
  • Pyware


    if you're good with torrents, you could torrent the program and get it free.

  • thanks
  • I've always done my drill writing by hand....takes (at the most) about 3 hours for me to do one drill....of course i'm talking about a kaleidoscopic mid-field drill
  • I can surely respect any one that writes there drills by hand, my High school band director taught me how to write music and drills...

    FrostyNacho said:
    I've always done my drill writing by hand....takes (at the most) about 3 hours for me to do one drill....of course i'm talking about a kaleidoscopic mid-field drill
    Drill Writing
    You know how you need Finale to write out music, what software do you need to write out drills?
  • where do you get drill papper from?

  • Now that i'm not too sure.....I've always gotten my paper from JSU's directors and I always keep one clean sheet so I can make as many copies as I need.
  • My band director had me use graph paper.. I don't know why tho, im sure you can find some online

    MRSBs_Finest2010 said:

    where do you get drill papper from?

    Drill Writing
    You know how you need Finale to write out music, what software do you need to write out drills?
  • I write out my drills, takes a while though but yeah I only do it because it'll take my mind off of things, and i just make my own drilling paper, lately ive been using regular wideruled notebook paper but usually i'll have lines on a paper 3/4 of an inch apart which would represent each yard line.  I do military/2step/4step drills and I do formation drills which are my favorite to do but also take the longest because of positioning. I might invest some time into pyware n see how that works out!
  • i need to get into writing drills myself....conquered writing music lol


    Is there a few books out there online on the history of drills and different formations?

  • I still write my drills by hand

    Free drill paper
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