
  • I'm still waiting on confirmation on ours.
  • I hope Royal can make it this year to NF, i always had a good time at that BOTB!...not sure if we doing ours again..depends on the football team
  • November 20th VH1 Save the Music Foundation and HOME DEPOT BATTLE OF THE BANDS
    Stephen F. Austin and Clifton Ozen High Schools are reporesenting Texas.

    btw Cleve we will be at North Forest
  • Peabody Magnet High,.

    We ALWAYS have our BOTB during
    the first full week in November on Saturday
  • Well we at (Jefferson Davis) will be at north forest BOTBS.. as long as the invite makes it to us... in a reasonable time..... I thought it was very well put togethere the last time we attended...we will be looking forward to getting the invite cleve...god bless..........ooh yeah JEFF davis will be hosting a BOTBS and a jazz battle ....*COUGH* festival.. for all houston and surrounding areas so if you got a big BND JAZZ group or combo... holla at ya boy ... dates will be posted the second week of school....GOD BLESS
  • Ya'll going to be busy in November....

    I can't wait to see ya'll and Davis this year...maybe we can get a good battle this year...hint hint...LOL!

    Goldy_1914 said:
    November 20th VH1 Save the Music Foundation and HOME DEPOT BATTLE OF THE BANDS
    Stephen F. Austin and Clifton Ozen High Schools are reporesenting Texas.

    btw Cleve we will be at North Forest
    Fall 2010 BOTB Dates
    Anyone got their dates down yet?North Forest is shooting for Saturday, November 13th.
  • Not to sound negative or anything but we have our sights set on bigger things than battle of the bands. We are focusing on going to california and proving what true musicianship is all about then we may go to new Orleans but definitely we are going to Washington DC next summer. These are events where we will have to represent the entire state of Texas which we will do. I said if before "we will be the best band in the nation"
  • ook. So bak fall botb dates lol. Im looking forward to hearing Royal again
  • Thanks Marcus...we looking forward to seeing our fans n followers lol, I got a feeling everyone going to surprise everyone this year!

    Marcus said:
    ook. So bak fall botb dates lol. Im looking forward to hearing Royal again
    Fall 2010 BOTB Dates
    Anyone got their dates down yet?North Forest is shooting for Saturday, November 13th.
  • I'm hoping to get a jamboree set up in either early January or February in Alabama with hopes of having some of the top bands from Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee to attend along with two college bands. Idea just came forth so be on the lookout for it!
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