For the last time im serious

Its been a whole eight months where are the JSU vs AAMU 2008 clips footage etc. Smh.

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  • lol gonee
  • HE'S GOT A GUN EVERYBODY DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
  • Well guess ill have to check back round in another WHOLE eight months.
  • *runs*
  • It aint that serious but foreal though what's with this hiding of the footage. I guess some footage is just too discreet
  • YOUTUBE!!!
  • You won't see it until next December! lol
  • Book I tried youtube they only have clips of jsu playing in the 5th not the game nor AAMU playing in the 5th oh well just have wait for next winter for the real footage.
  • You know people are going to edit videos! How hard is it to put up both bands? So i guess when the footage is being uploaded, the uploadee stops the video when the other band is set to play, then fast forward the tape or dvd then only upload the clips of their band playing! Hmmmm! Seems more time consuming to me, might as well show the battle unless something is trying to be covered up lol!
  • J said:
    It aint that serious but foreal though what's with this hiding of the footage. I guess some footage is just too discreet

    That would be imply that I'm heading the footage
    For the last time im serious
    Its been a whole eight months where are the JSU vs AAMU 2008 clips footage etc. Smh.
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