Look yall its always a complete pleasure to watch these two squads go at it.. From what I saw today,.... in Aggie Stadium,.... I can honestly say that Golden Delight and 14k are two of the best squads in the HBCU world bar none. 14K came in to swing, they danced the field and the stands down.. Golden Delight...Golden F#@King Delight.. Yall look... Golden Delight's entrance into the stands at the beginning of the game gave me everything, it was sexy, it was womanly, it was current, it was cunt!!!.. and they didn't let up the whole game. I completely enjoyed myself.. Great job to both squads..
The band was slaw as hell, but 14K was evvvvvvvvvvvvvvverything!!!!
Delight looked absolutely beautiful, but the percussion/dance feature was a lot to take in... #sensoryOverload. The parts were Delight was dancing without Cold Steel were pretty incredible.
Golden gave me some ole Cool Mist tea on this one. GOTDAMNIT!