Great Arrangements

I'd just like to take the time to pay tribute to some of the best high school arrangements that I have ever heard in my life!!!!!




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  • I love it!!!! Do you hear how full this arrangement is?! Great job with the melody btones.....very musical! Tbones really put it down with those whole notes that they never play!!!! F-horns gr8 dynamic contrast. Couldn't even hear u guys!!!!

  • Heavens how do you guys get that thick sound?! Gr8 job @ 1:02 tpets!!!
  • Now that I've paid tribute to the HS arrangements, time to move on to those college guys!
  • jaren u ignorant mane....lmao, this is classic!!!!
  • Sooooo you guys are proud of this huh lol it's funny how you gave props to out trumpets but forgot to give a shoutout to yours at :45 congrats to that azzhole

    Jaren said:
    Now that I've paid tribute to the HS arrangements, time to move on to those college guys!
    Great Arrangements
    I'd just like to take the time to pay tribute to some of the best high school arrangements that I have ever heard in my life!!!!!      
  • yall wildin lol
  • -snickers-
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