The Greater Houston All Star Band Inc. Band Directors, Staff, and Parents, would like to invite current and interested new instrumentalist, percussionist, and auxillary to a meeting on Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 2pm in the Texas Southern University Band Room.
We will :
1.) Pass our our 2010 performance calendar (band camp will begin Tuesday, June 1 thru Saturday June 26, 2010).
2.) Introduce new and returning staff members/interns (all camp interns must be either currently enrolled in university band program and/or a music major and wil be selected after an interview),
3.) Begin the process of registration (Registration Fee: $75.00 for intrumentalist/ percussionist, $100.00 for auxillary .... you have until June 4, 2010 to be paid in full).
We look for to seeing each of you as we celebrate 10 years of musical excellence. If you have any question, concerns or comments please feel free to contact the staff at
Spread The Word!!!!