hbcu standards

Why are we so hard on our hbcu bands? Do you think we expect too much from our bands?

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  • no..... if you don't expect excellence you wont get excellence.

  • thats the thing one small error an bands be labeled as weak or sorry next to their fav band who do the same its over looked. But no band is perfect it just seem as certain bands are set to a label of excellence when ALL BANDS SHOULD BE SET THAT WAY! 

    TBoneSuave said:

    no..... if you don't expect excellence you wont get excellence.

    hbcu standards
    Why are we so hard on our hbcu bands? Do you think we expect too much from our bands?
  • No the thing about that is that sometimes people allow favoritism and pride to blind them when it comes to judging their favorite band next to another band

    to the naked eye Band A and Band B might be equally matched programs, but because Band A has a huge following, people are gonna say that Band A is a beast and Band B is trash....

    I know that is over simplifying it but thats basically it in a nutshell....

    way to alleviate that is give credit where credit is due WHEN it is due. Not saying don't have pride but be 100 

  • Because our bands represent us as we represent them. and when our bands performance level is where it should be. Alumni of those bands know. so they will  Critique their alma maters' band just as they do of other bands.

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