Posted by RoyDisciple88 on November 16, 2009 at 9:36pm
What is "SMASHED" any way? I'm not trying to be funny @ all. I read people saying it, but I don't quite get it. You have to explain that one so I can understand EXACTLY what that means!! I assume that it's slang for when one band has more volume than the other, rite? If that is correct, then why is it SOOO important to SMASH another band? I want better understanding of what SMASHING really is...So I can get a better idea of what it means, check out these three clips and tell me who "SMASHED" who...
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you can't really compare SU, TXSU, and the Blue Devils in the same thread. totally different styles. Comparing SU and TXSU in those clips, SU smashes TXSU definetly. I've written that version of Space Chords into an arrangement and it's off tha chain, but I don't think it's comparable to the swac style of playing.
The first place I heard smash was in houston, as it pertains to bands anyway, and it typically means who was the better sounding, more powerful all around band. not necessarily just volume even though we all know in this generation, is a very focused quality right now.
Depending on your flavor either one would be considered "smashing". Like Su people claimed they "smashed" UL and blah blah blah. UL people attacked SU playing style. Its all about what you grew up around.
The first place I heard smash was in houston, as it pertains to bands anyway, and it typically means who was the better sounding, more powerful all around band. not necessarily just volume even though we all know in this generation, is a very focused quality right now.
Disco sTu said:
We Blew Yall Out
We Smashed yall
We Raped Yall
We Killed Yall
dang... thats gay and violent
Disco sTu said:
Book said: