High Schoolers Get In Here..............

I would like to set 3 rules for you.

1. Keep Your Ass Out Of The College Forum

               The College Forum is for College students. If you don't have a high school diploma keep your ass out..

2. Stop Putting Yourself In Arguments That Do Not Concern You
                 More than half of the time you don't know what the hell you are talking about.

3. Stop the Immature Comments

                 Just basic immature comments like "that n*gga gay" or things along the lines of that make you look like an ignorant child. They read what you say, sometimes even in the High School Forum. With those stupid comments come a lack of respect for your ideas

Now of course this doesn't apply to all of you since a lot of you actually follow the rules already set in place for you. You already know the rules. why continue to break them? Especially the College Forum rule. i'm getting tired of seeing high schoolers posting in there. There need to be some reprecautions

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  • dang lol
  • YES! thankyou for saying it!
  • LOL...good job dude. Just to add to #1...if you don't have a high school diploma, at least 15 college credit hours, and at least a semester in someone's band, stay off the College Forum.

    @Josh...it doesn't matter if some are sensitive or some act like 2nd graders. They earned the right to post on the college forum. So please respect the rules set by the owner and administrators of this website.
  • Do you have a high school diploma? Have you marched in a college band for at least a semester? You may have the hours, but you don't have the "experience", I guess thats the word to use, to comment on anyone's band especially if you've never endured anything we as collegiate musicians have done. There isn't anything you can argue about with a college student/alumni when you've never sat across from the bands that we tend to "conversate" with.

    Josh "Spasm" Frilot said:
    so wat if we do have 15 college credit but still in high sschool....alright then
    Felicia said:
    LOL...good job dude. Just to add to #1...if you don't have a high school diploma, at least 15 college credit hours, and at least a semester in someone's band, stay off the College Forum.

    @Josh...it doesn't matter if some are sensitive or some act like 2nd graders. They earned the right to post on the college forum. So please respect the rules set by the owner and administrators of this website.
  • LMAO...all of yall have broken that first one. Plenty of times...lol

    ★-[Mcgee-All-Mighty]-★ said:
    Furure rattler you have broken 2 of those rules so why the fuck should we listen to you?
  • have you seen me post in the college forum withing the last 2 months or so? no i havent.

    ★-[Mcgee-All-Mighty]-★ said:
    Furure rattler you have broken 2 of those rules so why should we listen to you?
    Thats just like me telling josh not to shoot himself in the leg, but yet he see me shooting myself in the leg everyday.
    How about that?
    High Schoolers Get In Here..............
    I would like to set 3 rules for you.1. Keep Your Ass Out Of The College Forum               The College Forum is for College students. If you don't h…
  • Yep. I'm a firm believer in the saying "sweep around your door before sweeping around mine."

    ★-[Mcgee-All-Mighty]-★ said:
    Do you get what im saying though?

    Felicia said:
    LMAO...all of yall have broken that first one. Plenty of times...lol

    ★-[Mcgee-All-Mighty]-★ said:
    Furure rattler you have broken 2 of those rules so why the fuck should we listen to you?
    High Schoolers Get In Here..............
    I would like to set 3 rules for you.1. Keep Your Ass Out Of The College Forum               The College Forum is for College students. If you don't h…
  • lol nobody caught wat josh jus posted
  • i did,lol.i get wat the college ppl sayin,nd i will follow the rulez as a member of this site.ill do dat.but 4real,me tellin da truth idgaf bout no dxmn college forum fxck dat bullshxt.but since i try 2 be respectful i follow rules.

    kymarte bald fade jackson said:
    lol nobody caught wat josh jus posted
    High Schoolers Get In Here..............
    I would like to set 3 rules for you.1. Keep Your Ass Out Of The College Forum               The College Forum is for College students. If you don't h…
  • lol josh ur slow " (*dun ,dun dun dun* OK ....OK )

    Josh "Spasm" Frilot said:
    Strait up.
    High Schoolers Get In Here..............
    I would like to set 3 rules for you.1. Keep Your Ass Out Of The College Forum               The College Forum is for College students. If you don't h…
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