Good morning Bandheads

Stephen F. Austin is tentatively scheduling a Cinco De Mayo Kickoff Battle of the Bands here at our school on May 4th @ 6pm.  The current listing of bands is:

Stephen F. Austin - host


Sam Houston

Jeff Davis

Willowridge- pending


If more bands are interested then we will get most likely Delmar Stadium for that night.  Invites have sent to: 


Beaumont Central





Beaumont Ozen

And of course a VIP invitation will be sent to St. Augustine :-D

even though Im sure they wont come.


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  • i cant wait for this one

  • Hmmmm, thats our end of the yr, Band Trip...

  • Wilmore said yall would stop in on your way to Dallas. 

  • oh yea we might have a trip too idk

  • Wheatley and Yates just confirmed so we are looking at Delmar Stadium or Fieldhouse

  • Well, If BossMan Say We coming, Then We Coming! LOL...

    Goldy_1914 said:

    Wilmore said yall would stop in on your way to Dallas. 

    Houston Cinco De Mayo Kickoff- Smackdown Battle of the Bands
    Good morning Bandheads Stephen F. Austin is tentatively scheduling a Cinco De Mayo Kickoff Battle of the Bands here at our school on May 4th @ 6pm.…
  • Furr? I hope they ready....they should be good for a stand battle
  • Im inviting everybody.  Furr deserves a chance at some action just like any other band.  You would be surprised if they come thru and hand somebody they nutts

  • they have the membership and numbers like everyone else....I just know they haven't been just sitting around. but they have the same problems everyone else has compounded by the fact that there wasn't any music program there for almost 20 years. you ever thought about starting a btob smackdown for middle schools? can you even do that now?
  • I tried but we only have a handful of middle schools: Jackson, Fondren, Key and Ortiz who would be willing to play pep or show music. 

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