...In no particular order...balance, blend, articulation, dynamics, arrangement, whether or not the song does its job and gets the crowd into it, and song selection. Every band can't play everything!
Depends on quality. Though on some of the worse quality clips, you can tell whats wrong. I forcus on Arrangment, Articulation, Balence, for classics n marches, i look for dynamics where they should be. or if its a pop tune and the arranger added dynamics of his/her own in there and you can feel it. thats somethign i would like to hear. Song Selection is one thing that i like. I hate hearing the same thing over and over again at every event...even some that we play lol. I also look to see if the band is in uniform on bringing the horns up and if they some miniroutine throughout the songs. Looks bad when half is doing full out n other half is like...ehhh im here to be here so ima be lazy....NO