Kind of a Spinoff from another topic..What's your opinion? and Not as much as playing the melody but being the main feature.
I like when Mellophones are featured, just not all the time. I don't like when they are only featured while "wailing" or cranking. I'd rather keep it mello and warm. Though I'm a proud player or the Horn, I just don't think the mellophone should be the main voice of a band.
I think mellos or like the third trumpet can be real good and blend or turn out for the worst in some cases i think mellos separate highsteeping bands from core style because it brings a differnt sound to the table if played correctly
number1 said:
The mellophone is an alto instrument just like saxophone. Its purpose is chord support and sub melody. I dont see a problem with giving them the melody from time to time though. I think if a band always gives them the melody they are doing so to overcompensate for a weak trumpet section or nonn existant woodwinds.