Tickets are now on sale for the H.H.S. Marching Band 1st annual Battle of the Drumlines Saturday April 17,2010 at 4:00 p.m. Admission is $6.00. Drumlines from Peabody H.S., Madison H.S., U.C.P., Green Oaks, Booker T. Washington H.S. and Fair Park will be in attendance. We are asking everyone that is viewing this please come support and represent your school. Huntington High School is a first class school and we will run a first class event so come out watch the absolute best drum sections in North Louisiana compete for first place. You need not worry about security, S.P.D. will be deep in attendance as well.Please contact one of the following band members to purchase your ticket early before the price jumps up:
Are you allowed to tell me how many rounds there is,
and are you/y'all judging or counting dance rutines..?
Mr. C. Heyward, there will be 4 rounds. 3 rounds of your best material and the 4th round will consist of 1 snare player from each section presenting there best material. We are going to give each snare player 2 opportunities to play. Now given that there are "6" percussion sections competing, the 3 snare drummers that stand out the most will be chosen to compete head up, and they to will be given 2 opportunities to continue play. So to sum it up, 3 Rounds of cadences and one snare player from each school should be prepared to play 4 solos, for the 4th round.
I can't emphasize this enough, you will not be judged on a funk train, just straight up playing. You can perform a funk train while marching in or out the gym if you so chose, but it is not required for a score.
As I just check this page, I was in my office working on this material to send out to all the band directors fo Monday,(which is why this is new news to the directors that are reading this). I will include an adjudicator sheet so all percussion sections will know what the judges will be looking for and what to expect. I appreciate you asking that question, if you have any more please post them. I really want everybody to feel satisfied that they knew what to expect when they arrive Saturday April 17, 2010.
I was going to make the 4th round a sight-reading round to make things very interesting.......... but the feed back on that was kinda negative, so we cut it. We definitely will have one next year though.
And the sight reading idea sounded great!
It would have seperated the drummers from the percussionist big time..