I Need A Little Help

Ok so I'm a Senior in High School. I play trumpet. I plan on auditioning for a few schools (JSU, SU, UAPB, PV). I was wondering: Is there anything I need to make sure I pay more attention to? And can anyone send me a audition piece? I would really appreciate the help...!!


Thanks in Advance!

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  • you can find audition pieces on different band websites like famu for instance they have audition pieces on their website or you can just use an allstate etude those work pretty well oh and also practice your scales
  • Your all-state materials and a command knowledge of your scales and rudiments will be good enough for UAPB! The last friday in each month through May are the days for standing auditions and we have a High School Day called Lion Fever Day the First weekend of April for the mass tour and activities for prospective seniors!  Call the Band office st 870-575- 8919 for more info or to schedule a different audition time!!!!!
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