
  • I'd march on the field and then fake an injury.

    Only a matter of time before a Stanker comes on here and divert this topic though
  • Wait this must be a preseason clip right? BEcause they say when the season starts they turn IT on
  • I wouldn't even take my hat off for the WHOLE game

    MO said:
    I'd march on the field and then fake an injury.

    Only a matter of time before a Stanker comes on here and divert this topic though
    If this were you would you march on the field or fake an injury? lol
    >object> check dude out at the 50 yard line around the 6:00 mark... what squad is he in?
  • huh
  • Some people march on the field so their parent can see them but if my school looked this bad on the field I probably would fake an injury during a step 2, therefore hoping no one else notices how terrible the rest of the band looks
  • from what i see he was never in a squad. if you look at the beginning of the video you will see him on the sideline. i think he was just used for dance routine purposes so he most likely was in the right spot...........but to answer the question for fun purposes i would have done the fake lol
  • MO said:
    Some people march on the field so their parent can see them but if my school looked this bad on the field I probably would fake an injury during a step 2, therefore hoping no one else notices how terrible the rest of the band looks

    yea dats true, the band director must've promised him AND his mama that he was gon have a spot on the field
    If this were you would you march on the field or fake an injury? lol
    >object> check dude out at the 50 yard line around the 6:00 mark... what squad is he in?
  • u know how u watch band tapes of the years you march and you watch the field shows and be like "thats me right there... oh wait, no thats me"....this guy doesn't have that problem
  • lol some people on this clip are walking 9 to 5, they are defying the odds of what a MARCHING band looks like on the field

    CmPO said:
    u know how u watch band tapes of the years you march and you watch the field shows and be like "thats me right there... oh wait, no thats me"....this guy doesn't have that problem
    If this were you would you march on the field or fake an injury? lol
    >object> check dude out at the 50 yard line around the 6:00 mark... what squad is he in?
  • You know what's crazy, they been doin this drill for yearsssss and it never looks good. maybe they are tryin to get it right before getting a new drill.
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