Hello, I am a former band student at a corpstyle high school (Rayne High) but I know a little bit of showstyle I am very talented in music I play the TUBA!!!!! I was wondering if I could go to southern because I am Majoring in MUSIC EDUCATION and some type of Engineering major but, This is my freshman year in high school and I am not in band but I will be getting back next year Sophmore year until my senior year I stopped because I do not like CORPSTYLE marching but I am getting back in it next year. WILL I STILL BE ALLOWED TO BE IN SOUTHERN'S BAND????
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Yea, you would be allowed. As far as "is it easy", no. If it was easy to get into Southern's Band, I'd probably be massive as hell considering how many people want to be in it. But, you're a freshman. That means you have TONS of time to work on your stuff.
And please, don't make Southern your only choice. Consider other schools also.
Thanks for the info. Bro and even if I was to put on my application Majoring in Music Education... and also yea I was kind of thinking Texas Southern, Jackson State, or Grambling to but I really want to go to southern just cuz it would be a DREAM!! come true and plus my dad lives in Baton Rouge so ....
Lol, dude, corps style is just a different way of moving your foot. The foot step is still the same size. Eight steps between each line either way. I marched with a traditional style band for three years and I'm in a corps style band now. If you can play, they should let you in no problem, that's how most schools are, they just hate horn holders. Gotta admit though, I miss traditional style, the feild shows were more fun. Corps style is a lot more technical, and I really came here to be in the Wind Ensemble anyway. Man, I really miss blowin'.
playing ability is what gets you through.... that's with any hbcu. the marching style you will learn once you go to through camp. you should go check out the su high school camp this summer, if you're interested.
Well yes it is easy, well at least for me. SU doesnt really have a hard audition. I talked to Mr. Haymer and he said i could use Rolling Thunder as a solo! lol When he told me that i lost respect for that program because that is just ridiculous! I was expecting him to say i need at least a grade 6 solo. So im pretty sure you could get in with no prob. The only thing that you would have a problem with is the money part. I heard SU doesnt give out a lot of $ in scholarships. But just keep practicing you'll be fine, and good luck.
And please, don't make Southern your only choice. Consider other schools also.
Book said:
Paul McGalliard said: