Istrouma High????

i am a fan of highschool bands and i have a question for the istrouma high band members or anyone that can answer my question.......
ok last night was the first parade in baton rouge and ihs,gohs, and baker had a battle under the bridge juss like last year and again this year when glen oaks came istrouma got on the bus!! i was waiting to see the battle between glen oaks and istrouma!!! i see alot of istrouma memebers on here so i ask why did yall leave this time????

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  • took the words right otta my mouth

    MR.DUNCAN said:
    Did it occur to you that they could just be taking heed to the orders of their director?Surely they may have wanted to battle but their BD told them to load up.It happens ours does it some times if the band just isn't worth it or are no competition whatsoever and are just playing toward us for attention,we don't react we pay no mind,after all WHY WASTE TIME?
    Istrouma High????
    i am a fan of highschool bands and i have a question for the istrouma high band members or anyone that can answer my question.......ok last night was…
  • Not to but in, but they ran friday when we (scotlandville) tried to battle at the river center masquerade ball!!
  • i understand everything you saying, but when i said "they" i meant them as a whole.
  • As it relates to glen oaks, we Istrouma was already battleing with baker, when glen oaks came up with their alumni band lol, and I only say that because my cousin marched with them and he's been out of school since 2007, just one to mention their were others,plus why pick on someone when their down, glen oaks clearly does not have the musicality or quality in sound that istrouma has. just keeping it real. Next scotlandville, we did not battle scotlandville because our band director didnt want us to not because we were scared check (Baker high botb clips) scotlandville marched out, when we tried to battle them. secondly the best band is a disciplined band how do you as a band run up to another band while their loading the bus and start playing towards their bus, wrong notes might i add. Scotlandville is like a song with alot of bass and no high, meaning you cant never make out what their playing because all you here is trombones. wheres the color in their band plus they don't sound good as whole. Hope that answers your questions.
  • i seen bands before not even entertain a band that is clearly beneath them.this may have been Mr.Pollard' minset "Why battle a band thats beneath us".
  • YES!!!!! i've seen WM do it many times back in the gap!!!!!

    MR.DUNCAN said:
    Believe me I know lol

    Samuel said:
    i seen bands before not even entertain a band that is clearly beneath them.this may have been Mr.Pollard' minset "Why battle a band thats beneath us".
    Istrouma High????
    i am a fan of highschool bands and i have a question for the istrouma high band members or anyone that can answer my question.......ok last night was…
  • but you all arent above anybody and you should check your facts because Scotlandville didn't even march in baker botb!!

    Isadore Lenoir said:
    As it relates to glen oaks, we Istrouma was already battleing with baker, when glen oaks came up with their alumni band lol, and I only say that because my cousin marched with them and he's been out of school since 2007, just one to mention their were others,plus why pick on someone when their down, glen oaks clearly does not have the musicality or quality in sound that istrouma has. just keeping it real. Next scotlandville, we did not battle scotlandville because our band director didnt want us to not because we were scared check (Baker high botb clips) scotlandville marched out, when we tried to battle them. secondly the best band is a disciplined band how do you as a band run up to another band while their loading the bus and start playing towards their bus, wrong notes might i add. Scotlandville is like a song with alot of bass and no high, meaning you cant never make out what their playing because all you here is trombones. wheres the color in their band plus they don't sound good as whole. Hope that answers your questions.
    Istrouma High????
    i am a fan of highschool bands and i have a question for the istrouma high band members or anyone that can answer my question.......ok last night was…
  • and you said you dont know what we be playing but i do recall seeing a few of your fellow band members dancing and bobbing their heads. MAYBE EVEN YOU!!

    phillip said:
    but you all arent above anybody and you should check your facts because Scotlandville didn't even march in baker botb!!

    Isadore Lenoir said:
    As it relates to glen oaks, we Istrouma was already battleing with baker, when glen oaks came up with their alumni band lol, and I only say that because my cousin marched with them and he's been out of school since 2007, just one to mention their were others,plus why pick on someone when their down, glen oaks clearly does not have the musicality or quality in sound that istrouma has. just keeping it real. Next scotlandville, we did not battle scotlandville because our band director didnt want us to not because we were scared check (Baker high botb clips) scotlandville marched out, when we tried to battle them. secondly the best band is a disciplined band how do you as a band run up to another band while their loading the bus and start playing towards their bus, wrong notes might i add. Scotlandville is like a song with alot of bass and no high, meaning you cant never make out what their playing because all you here is trombones. wheres the color in their band plus they don't sound good as whole. Hope that answers your questions.
    Istrouma High????
    i am a fan of highschool bands and i have a question for the istrouma high band members or anyone that can answer my question.......ok last night was…
    • Ok your right we wanna be just like scotlandville lol. Dude scotlandville and istrouma has two different styles. Istrouma has a much cleaner sound than scotlandville. That's a fact

      phillip said:
      and you said you dont know what we be playing but i do recall seeing a few of your fellow band members dancing and bobbing their heads. MAYBE EVEN YOU!!..lolphillip said:
      but you all arent above anybody and you should check your facts because Scotlandville didn't even march in baker botb!!

      Isadore Lenoir said:
      As it relates to glen oaks, we Istrouma was already battleing with baker, when glen oaks came up with their alumni band lol, and I only say that because my cousin marched with them and he's been out of school since 2007, just one to mention their were others,plus why pick on someone when their down, glen oaks clearly does not have the musicality or quality in sound that istrouma has. just keeping it real. Next scotlandville, we did not battle scotlandville because our band director didnt want us to not because we were scared check (Baker high botb clips) scotlandville marched out, when we tried to battle them. secondly the best band is a disciplined band how do you as a band run up to another band while their loading the bus and start playing towards their bus, wrong notes might i add. Scotlandville is like a song with alot of bass and no high, meaning you cant never make out what their playing because all you here is trombones. wheres the color in their band plus they don't sound good as whole. Hope that answers your questions.
      Istrouma High????
      i am a fan of highschool bands and i have a question for the istrouma high band members or anyone that can answer my question.......ok last night was…
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