Please stop hazing or giving your school's administration reason to believe that your hazing. Please stop trying to cross people into these sections that we love so dear. Doing this will in fact preserve our sections, because if your band program is suspended you will have no section to hold on to. The ideas of family, discipline, and togetherness can still be maintained. Its just that we as intelligent black individuals must find a new way. The breed of bandsmen has definitely changed over the years and now it's time to step back and use a new method. I remember when I first had to opportunity to post in the Band Credentials page and rep WT. It felt so good to have accomplished that goal and I want others to share that moment as well. Every other week since the beginning of classes, one of our beloved bands has been caught up in hazing allegations or suspensions for hazing. Please stop so that we can actually have a productive band season. Please stop so that we can ALL keep OUR bands. Please find a new way, because there is a new way. The cookie has crumbled and now we as a people, black people, must find the most effective way to clean up the crumbs. Let keep OUR programs, please.
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Real Talk Fam........ I Feel That