Posted by BamaStateVike on January 20, 2011 at 2:44pm
I'm sure most bandheads are familiar with Jamboree(particularly the southeastern bandheads). It's basically an on the field/arena/gymnasium battle between two bands. No field shows, each band usually plays 3-5 basic tunes, a ballad and a dance mix.....I think it would be an awesomely unprecedented event if schools from the SWAC and/or MEAC could incorporate this type of event yearly just like the Dekalb County Jamboree. Personally, I think it could be bigger than the honda btob. Which seems to get progressively worst every year with the faux voting system and the restriction of bands being able to cut loose the do what they really want(battle competitively with rival schools). I've had the idea for along time and wondered why no one has organized such an event.......... Just wanted to know if something like this has been attempted and I'm just unaware and what kind of opinions my fellow bandheads had about the subject??
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