With the passing of such of an incredible musician and performer we know that a lot of bands will want to commemerate the life of Whitney Houston.
Block Band has made it easy for you.
To prevent duplication, Block Band will be creating 5 different Whitney Houston shows to showcase her legacy.
Find the show that fits your band's size and ability.
Take a listen to the first two songs that we are offering.
Contact us at
for more details.
D. Rashad Watters Founder, CEO Block Band Music & Publishing, LLC (919)-698-2560 BlockBandMusic@gmail.com Block Band Music & Publishing…Your Assistant Band Director!
Please listen to this one with headphones on.
Shoop (Waiting to Exhale)
D. Rashad Watters
Founder, CEO
Block Band Music & Publishing, LLC
Block Band Music & Publishing…Your Assistant Band Director!
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