
  • i think we (sterling) did good


  • Milby and Worthing combined were clean and powerful. Too bad Davis and Wheatley didn't want none!
    Wheatley should never blown on Ozen cuz dam ( no words to explain it) Ozen handed it to them!
    Sterling was pretty good.
  • yeah but i sure did see yall walk away from davis when they blew at yall when yall was by yall selves, looks like yall didnt want none at that time

    DJ Nate said:
    Milby and Worthing combined were clean and powerful. Too bad Davis and Wheatley didn't want none!
    Wheatley should never blown on Ozen cuz dam ( no words to explain it) Ozen handed it to them!
    Sterling was pretty good.
  • Just saw Milby on channel 13. Good Stuff.
  • We wanted Austin! But Austin just got into the Parade Line and Davis were just blowing song.

    Mystery Man said:
    yeah but i sure did see yall walk away from davis when they blew at yall when yall was by yall selves, looks like yall didnt want none at that time

    DJ Nate said:
    Milby and Worthing combined were clean and powerful. Too bad Davis and Wheatley didn't want none!
    Wheatley should never blown on Ozen cuz dam ( no words to explain it) Ozen handed it to them!
    Sterling was pretty good.
  • They showed Milby like 10 times now!
  • this whole thing was a joke to me!!
  • enjoy




  • did u get the battle of austin drumline vs wheatleys???


    [nate] ya should of started some with us when we lined up in d parade line cuz we would gone at it.

  • not much...

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