look i seen mcmain people sayin dey won, nd walker people sayin dey won. so where the vids at. and dont do like last year mcmain vs aug when nobody put the whole battle up. let the video tell the story.
McMain could be a powerhouse if they had some great leadership... i dont know if things changed there since i did that trumpet clinic over there... but there was a SERIOUS lack of TEACHING when i went... not to mention some of the IFFY arranging over there since well you probably know...
the talk of the night was that McM got smashed... from what I was told they were playing walker tunes back at'em... lol.
There were alot of good bands in from out of state Bacchus McMain should have went at one of them
McM came under that bridge Smashing too
Mr. Bands' Man (8va) said:
Devin said: