The participating schools could be....

Greenville Weston High School (Greenville, MS)

Leland High School (Leland, MS)

Simmons High School (Holandale, MS)

Leflore County High School (Itta Bena, MS)

Gentry High School (Indianola, MS)

Mississippi Delta Community College (Moorehead, MS)

Mississippi Valley State University (Itta Bena)

The size of this alumni/all star band could easily reach 300 members, if we have full participation..

Who would dare direct take on this challenge maybe a former director (Tramiell from MVSU)
or a current director such as (Ray Brook from GWHS)

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  • that would be nice we're wating
  • Why is Pine Bluff in the tags?
  • hits
  • make it happen!!!
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