
  • use a mouthpiece remover...
  • that doesnt sound cheap lol
  • hammer....other mouthpieces....screwdrivers......

    anything to bang it out....
  • smack it with another mouthpiece bout 88 times and see what happens ;-)
  • something gona come up broke...
    either the horn, or the mothpiece.
    hopefully its da mouthpiece.
  • you'd be surprised how durable a mouthpiece just dont up and break a mouthpiece.

    anyway take a mouthpiece and tap it rim to rim/cup with the stuck shouldnt damage the horn if you dont do anything stupid lol

    you might end up wit some dents in the stuck mouthpiece tho
  • be specific wen u sayy
    "do anything stupid"
  • lol well if you end up breakin the horn...THATS what i was talkin about lol
  • what instrument is it anyway...?
  • lol

    Binaca "B-Phunk" Mason said:
    what instrument is it anyway...?
    Mouthpiece Mishap. Solutions needed.
    So...what do you do when you have a mouthpiece stuck ina horn, && it wnt come out. Is there anything that can be done to make the mouthpiece co…
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