But Since that news does not involve HBCU bands... it's not gonna be seen on CNN any time soon.


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  • Come on Book. The media only focuses on stories that attract viewers. Those are both female sports. No nude pics? Who cares?

    A group of wealthy boys from Duke allegedly raping a stripper = news
    Coaches poking boys at a top College football program = news
    Man dies after hazing rituals = news

    The TSU story has already become local news. It was national for a few days but there's no story to marinate.
  • I Blame SU..lol j/k

    Chris - Pinnacle of Hummanity... said:

    Come on Book. The media only focuses on stories that attract viewers. Those are both female sports. No nude pics? Who cares?

    A group of wealthy boys from Duke allegedly raping a stripper = news
    Coaches poking boys at a top College football program = news
    Man dies after hazing rituals = news

    The TSU story has already become local news. It was national for a few days but there's no story to marinate.
    News That Doesn't Matter .. Vanderbilt womens Tennis & Lacrosse Teams are both being investigated f…
    But Since that news does not involve HBCU bands... it's not gonna be seen on CNN any time soon. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/college/lacross…
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