"Hannah Montana" - by Migos I just heard this song on the radio yesterday. Very catchy song and very "bandable" as I would call it. Don't be fooled however. This song is about being a drug dealer and selling cocaine among other drugs. A recent theme in rap music is to equate "white girl" with cocaine. Rappers will use the term "white girl" or other famous white females as a code for cocaine. Mentioned in this song, are the names Hannah Montana, Lindsey Lohan, and Katy Perry. Other songs reference Christina Aguilera. All are codewords for cocaine. Here is a link to the song itself as well as a website you can go to help you decipher rap lyrics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajHQaxdVoOY Please be aware that the website is full of obscenities, so you may be better off checking it at home. http://rapgenius.com/Migos-hannah-montana-lyrics Being that we are all trying to uplift our children, music, and our nation as a whole I thought I would spread the word to you. Please pass this to as many band directors as you know. I would ask that all arrangers join Block Band is refusing to arrange this song. Sincerely, D. Rashad Watters Founder, CEO Block Band Music & Publishing, LLC (919)-698-2560 BlockBandMusic@gmail.com Block Band Music & Publishing…Providing Music, Equipment, and Accessories for Showstyle and Corpstyle Bands Connect with Block Band on Facebook or follow us on Twitter! |
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