Now Recruiting!!!

Greetings to all members and those who wish to become members of the J.C.M.B. This is Kenya D. Henderson, Director of the Jackson Community Marching Band. I would like to announce that we will begin having reheasrsal on the first and third Monday of each month at the Grove Park in Jackon, MS. Please bring your instrument and be prepared to play. Our objective is to start getting familiar with some of the new music we have acquired as well as some of the old. I will also be reaching out to ALL Fraternities and Sororities to encourage them to join us or recomend someone that may be interested in joining the J.C.M.B. If you know of anyone interested, please bring them along. We are still in a desperate seach for a permanent indoor location, so i anyone comes across a possible suitable lotion pleasee feel free to contact me at 601-613-7415. All members or non members holding instruments belonging to the J.C.M.B. or Eddie Newton, We will need you to bring OR send them to the rehearsal on August 6th, 2012 so we can inventory them. We are working dillegently on completing our non-profit status in order to get approval for grant funds enabling us to get more instruments and possibly some type of uniform. I praythat this will help encourage a lot of you to be more vigilant in supporting our cause. I hope to see YOU on August 6th,2012 at five o'clock p.m., Please do not call asking if anyone is there yet, bring your azz and then we'll be there. LOVE FOR THE MUSIC! AND REP YOUR BAND! LET'S DO IT!!! THANKS EVERYONE, and have great rest of the summer. Email for music

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  • ..........SOOOO.....EXCLUDING JSU....THIS IS BAND #3 IN THE JACKSON AREA..........
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