
This thread can get deleted if it needs to, just wanted to explain since asked. 

Perfect example on 1st count. 

Look at how Danni extends her arm and keeps her focus all the way to her finger tips. 

That's what I mean by nuances. 

It completes the move, enhances the count, and gives the dramatics.

The only person I saw that did it, and hung with Danni this entire performance was Gabby, which this performance was when I saw "captain" in her.

Completing every move and delivering the right dramatics for the mood.

Nuances to me is about being detailed, filling the gaps, throwing the right counts and delivering the right dramatics. It's filling and what makes performances great. Example.

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  • Mirror, mirror on THE WALL do YOU for SEE another DANNIE or Connor in OUR forecast?
  • This is just a “Gabby shoulda been captain again” thread. She’s on the first row by Taneria. 

  • No this honestly isnt that 

    Just wanted to give an example of what nuances ment to me since the person asking seemed to think I meant something weird by it.

    I always try to give as many examples as possible.

    BandJunkee said:

    This is just a “Gabby shoulda been captain again” thread. She’s on the first row by Taneria. 

    This thread can get deleted if it needs to, just wanted to explain since asked.  Perfect example on 1st count.  Look at how Danni extends her arm and…
  • LOL..  Right!!!!

    BandJunkee said:

    This is just a “Gabby shoulda been captain again” thread. She’s on the first row by Taneria. 

    This thread can get deleted if it needs to, just wanted to explain since asked.  Perfect example on 1st count.  Look at how Danni extends her arm and…
  • Aiight-I am late AF to the convo but I have to agree with all the fonts when it comes down to people not liking Micah because of looks.  Allure, mystique and all the like adjectives link back to aesthetic.

    Fonts will argue you up and down that such isn’t the reason, but often times humans have unconscious views when it comes to aesthetic but it manifests in different ways we as humans may not be aware of.   Micah has more African features than captains of the past, including Gabby.  The European standard of beauty has done a number on people of AFRICAN decent and has been ingrained in our psyche.   The only captain I can think of that matches Micah’s aesthetic is D’Tara.  I wonder if the conversation about her “not having the allure, mystique or Doll look” clouded her reign. 
    if that was Jada, Mel, Kaylon or even Taneria, the smoke wouldn’t be as thick. 

  • So how do you guys feel when captains do catch-ons differently from the rest of the team? An extreme example would be DT, who looked vastly different from her team at times. Another example would be how KP didn't tilt her head back on the count where they throw their arm out( which I noticed she hadn't since her crab year) or how she adds an extra head turn on the end of Linkford's count.

  • This thread is a distraction!  A TxSu vs SU thread is coming soon!

  • Y'all and these comments are problematic AF. 

    I can show posts where I've mentioned how beautiful Micah is, posts where I've said I wouldn't mind her upfront, posts where I've hyped Micah up.

    It's very insulting to me personally, Micah, her fans on here, people that may know her etc. to sit here and say we are commenting on her performance because of her looks. 

    Yall are revealing more your thought processes then anyone else's. 

    If this is the narrative you want to follow then boo let me remember your name and font because we never have to comment to eachother again, you or anyone else that believes this foolishness smh.
    Sugamama said:

    Aiight-I am late AF to the convo but I have to agree with all the fonts when it comes down to people not liking Micah because of looks.  Allure, mystique and all the like adjectives link back to aesthetic.

    Fonts will argue you up and down that such isn’t the reason, but often times humans have unconscious views when it comes to aesthetic but it manifests in different ways we as humans may not be aware of.   Micah has more African features than captains of the past, including Gabby.  The European standard of beauty has done a number on people of AFRICAN decent and has been ingrained in our psyche.   The only captain I can think of that matches Micah’s aesthetic is D’Tara.  I wonder if the conversation about her “not having the allure, mystique or Doll look” clouded her reign. 
    if that was Jada, Mel, Kaylon or even Taneria, the smoke wouldn’t be as thick. 

    Fabulous Dancing Dolls (the Scornful Doll)
    Now, that tryouts are over, what else can we expect?
  • Yes! I’m watching the live footage now!

    Truth_Serum said:

    This thread is a distraction!  A TxSu vs SU thread is coming soon!

    This thread can get deleted if it needs to, just wanted to explain since asked.  Perfect example on 1st count.  Look at how Danni extends her arm and…
  • Oh snap, can someone start another thread. I didn't know they had anything tonight.

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