The Thing is this,...It's not What you are posting, It's How & Where you're posting it. This Particular forum is meant for people Outside of High school to discuss band. Yet you take the time to Make multiple threads about events you haven't been to.Always asking for clips and posting the score as if anyone really cares. Aside from that, you just read a Thread which stated that SU was not coming to the game, Then you made a thread "Is SU Coming to TSU"... now you want to know if anyone is Taping? .. Dude Why cant you go to the game and provide this footage since you are a big fan? .
When Members click on a topic they Expect to Read More, Not Get This ???
This is why Threads you make get deleted.
no drama intended.
but seriously....
Kailone Carter said:
When Members click on a topic they Expect to Read More, Not Get This ???
This is why Threads you make get deleted.
I Used you as an example because You totally ignored The * Forum Users Please Read" thread.
See You Monday..