
  • .....wat u mean "do sumthin bad"
  • ohkay likk , ' if they not payn ' attention & they start talkn ' & he tell them to be quiet . & he tryna help others with thee fieldshow & they still talkn ' & when they do start doinq the show & they stop marchn ' to wait for directions & instead of waitn ' for directions they start talkn ' aqain . & the instructor or whoever starts sayn ' thatx why youu sorry now . & he jusx start down'n thee band . / thinkn ' thatx qo make them do better but ih think actually ihtx qon make them feel more likk shxt .

    T0NiCA [[Istrouma DM 4 Life]] said:
    .....wat u mean "do sumthin bad"
    Questionss : / is it okay if .......
    a band director or anyonee that helps , downs ' a band & havee fits everytime thee band do somethinq bad .
  • well...from a DM point of view, i think that it IS ok. but to some xtent. like...its ok sometimes. but not ALL the time. Wen my director told me i was sadd && all dat other crap i took it in, && tried to prove him wrongg. it movtivates our bandd. but if the BD didnt fuss, he would kind of lose his repect from the kids. ya know??

    sharOn. said:
    ohkay likk , ' if they not payn ' attention & they start talkn ' & he tell them to be quiet . & he tryna help others with thee fieldshow & they still talkn ' & when they do start doinq the show & they stop marchn ' to wait for directions & instead of waitn ' for directions they start talkn ' aqain . & the instructor or whoever starts sayn ' thatx why youu sorry now . & he jusx start down'n thee band . / thinkn ' thatx qo make them do better but ih think actually ihtx qon make them feel more likk shxt .

    T0NiCA [[Istrouma DM 4 Life]] said:
    .....wat u mean "do sumthin bad"
    Questionss : / is it okay if .......
    a band director or anyonee that helps , downs ' a band & havee fits everytime thee band do somethinq bad .
  • yeah .

    T0NiCA [[Istrouma DM 4 Life]] said:
    well...from a DM point of view, i think that it IS ok. but to some xtent. like...its ok sometimes. but not ALL the time. Wen my director told me i was sadd && all dat other crap i took it in, && tried to prove him wrongg. it movtivates our bandd. but if the BD didnt fuss, he would kind of lose his repect from the kids. ya know??

    sharOn. said:
    ohkay likk , ' if they not payn ' attention & they start talkn ' & he tell them to be quiet . & he tryna help others with thee fieldshow & they still talkn ' & when they do start doinq the show & they stop marchn ' to wait for directions & instead of waitn ' for directions they start talkn ' aqain . & the instructor or whoever starts sayn ' thatx why youu sorry now . & he jusx start down'n thee band . / thinkn ' thatx qo make them do better but ih think actually ihtx qon make them feel more likk shxt .

    T0NiCA [[Istrouma DM 4 Life]] said:
    .....wat u mean "do sumthin bad"
    Questionss : / is it okay if .......
    a band director or anyonee that helps , downs ' a band & havee fits everytime thee band do somethinq bad .
  • Yes, I also think ms. Sharon should clarify "do sumthin bad," and make sure to be honest about all the things that are "done bad." Personally, I believe if you have a bd that cares enough to strain his voice when his band is out of order, continues to try and grant his band new shows and dance routines even when the band isn't willing to do what it takes to learn it, and someone who repeatedly tells you your band SHOULD be the best, I think you have a bd that wants to see you succeed and not fail. It hurts a bd greatly when his kids underachieve. I'm not talking about mistakes because people will make mistakes. I'm talking about complete and utter disrespect, poor practice attendence, the inability to stay still and be quiet for 5seconds all the while continuing to make horrid errors. This is enough to drive anyone up the wall because all the practical strategies to get your band to focus aren't working. I think thats when we must all ask ourselves a simple question. What would I do if I were in his shoes? Would I just let my band underachieve? Would I just quit? Would I just let them run the program? Or would I tell them what they deserve to hear, which is the truth? Like I've said all along, I have to go home everyday and give an account for my own actions and stare my biggest critic in the mirror and ask if I did all I could to make my band better today? I think if we all did that, life would be easier on all of us. I'm not trying to attack you Sharon, and you're not usually a problem. I do not understand why you felt the need to post this. I would have expected this out of others, but I understand that there are many of us who are still learning that before you can point the finger at someone else, we must start with ourselves. I'm sorry you feel the way you do, but hey, I've got pretty tough skin.

    T0NiCA [[Istrouma DM 4 Life]] said:
    .....wat u mean "do sumthin bad"
    Questionss : / is it okay if .......
    a band director or anyonee that helps , downs ' a band & havee fits everytime thee band do somethinq bad .
  • i qet what youu sayn ' . but ih mean ih jusx wanted to see what other people opinions where qoin to be so i can actually see iht from all point of views . / ih mean ih wasnt doinq iht to be stupid or anythinq .
  • i thought our band was the onlyy one who went thru this. lol
  • My bd used to yell at us for simple stuff...touching someone eles instrument,not putting on uniforms,etc...we used to get put otta class alot 4 it eventually people stared quiting the he lightned up on yeah
  • Sounds to me like your band director is getting frustrated. What did you guys do to make him go off like that? People are so quick to jump on the directors when we have to face the following problems:

    Band members missing rehearsals the day before the game

    Band members not showing up to performances.

    People not learning their music and showing up to the performance saying I FORGOT..

    Parents interrupting rehearsals by blowing their horns and flashing lights.

    Students not turning in money on time.

    Students purposely hiding or breaking parts of their band uniform because they dont like it.

    Then on top of that, people complain when the director fusses and try to quit for bullshid reasons...

    I feel your directors pain and it probably is true. You have to analize and find out whats making him go off. Also think about it. If it gets bad enough for your director to call you sorry then your band obviously must not care. Ive personally never called my band sorry but I do things differently. If we have a competition in a day or two and half of the bands skips practice, then hey I cancel practice not the competition. Then when the band looks like crap, its not my fault. The directors are there working hard, not just so the students can half ass and pass the blame. Students need to take some type of initiative and push their band. Start having some type of pride in yourself and your community. Pull your dam uniform up and keep it clean. Tune yourselves up if the director has a meeting. Teach somebody who is struggling. Get together and plan to have band practice longer even without the director having to make it. Plan time to have an extra sectional in the morning. Theres only so much we as directors can do.
  • ohkay . & thank youu . thiss is somee qood advice .
    & when youu was name'n stuff in thee followinq & had a list , they do
    most of those thinqs & ih understand everythinq that your
    sayn .

    Goldy_1914 said:
    Sounds to me like your band director is getting frustrated. What did you guys do to make him go off like that? People are so quick to jump on the directors when we have to face the following problems:

    Band members missing rehearsals the day before the game

    Band members not showing up to performances.

    People not learning their music and showing up to the performance saying I FORGOT..

    Parents interrupting rehearsals by blowing their horns and flashing lights.

    Students not turning in money on time.

    Students purposely hiding or breaking parts of their band uniform because they dont like it.

    Then on top of that, people complain when the director fusses and try to quit for bullshid reasons...

    I feel your directors pain and it probably is true. You have to analize and find out whats making him go off. Also think about it. If it gets bad enough for your director to call you sorry then your band obviously must not care. Ive personally never called my band sorry but I do things differently. If we have a competition in a day or two and half of the bands skips practice, then hey I cancel practice not the competition. Then when the band looks like crap, its not my fault. The directors are there working hard, not just so the students can half +!@#$ and pass the blame. Students need to take some type of initiative and push their band. Start having some type of pride in yourself and your community. Pull your dam uniform up and keep it clean. Tune yourselves up if the director has a meeting. Teach somebody who is struggling. Get together and plan to have band practice longer even without the director having to make it. Plan time to have an extra sectional in the morning. Theres only so much we as directors can do.
    Questionss : / is it okay if .......
    a band director or anyonee that helps , downs ' a band & havee fits everytime thee band do somethinq bad .
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