Here are a few things you should know how to do when using this forum. Most of this topic is common sense.but it all has to be explained.
Accessing The Forum & Viewing Categories
There are multiple ways to Access The Forum, if you're reading this, your already here
- Clicking "Forum" In the Menu Bar allows you to vie Categories
- Clicking a category will allow you to view topics of Discussion
- The Homepage Also Features 5 Topics with The Recent Activity
- Click a topic of interest and Read
Adding A Discussion (Starting a Thread)
- to the top right every forum Category & discussion page is an "Add" Button Click it to create a thread
- On the Home page, There's an "Add A Discussion" beneath the 5 latest topic'
- When the page appears you can create your thread.
- Enter a Title in The Discussion Title Box
- use the post box to elaborate on your choice of Subject,
- please be sure to write so that people would understand you.
- Below The Post box you can Chose your Category and Add Tags Pryor to submission.
- Be sure to chose the proper forum category
- Adding Tags & attachments Files is Optional
- Click "Add Discussion" and POW
When Replying to a Thread
- Use the Blank Box beneath subject you're reading ..Cl
- To Quote a reply. click the word "Reply" beneath that persons post
- Please Write ABOVE the quote displayed within the box. or else your reply will not display correctly.
Adding Content to your Thread or Reply.
- Directly above the post box you see "ADD: LINK, IMAGE, MEDIA, PASTE AS PLAIN TEXT & ATTACH A FILE" Options.
- Within The Post Box you have common "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) Formatting tool Options
- You ca also attach files beneath the tags.
- Those Options are simple to use.
- LINK: allows you to add a Link or Hyperlink
- IMAGE: (white blue/green box) allows you to add a photo file from your PC or from a Link. as wll as place it in a specific location of your post.
- MEDIA: (black outlined blue box) allows you to HTML Embedding codes for Videos, Music etc. It's not necessarily to use for common sites like Youtube though.
- PASTE AS PLAIN TEXT (white box with the T inside) allows you to paste to this WYSIWYG Box without special Formatting that may have been attached to the content you've copped from other sites.
- FILE {Paperclip) allow you to attach any kind of file, up to 5mb
- You could have moused over the images and figured that as well.
Before Submitting... You Could Preview your post i'll open in a new tab/window depending on your browsers settings.
All other Formatting should be obvious and simple to understand on your own.