
I wanted to get your opinions on this...

here's how it went down:

There is this dude that decided to join the 101. He came after camp was over with, but did a decent audition and made it in. 

Mid-season, this guy quits...

Later, he tries to come back at the last game of the season and get into a gym battle for free by wearing his uniform (which failed)

he also tries to come to the Christmas parade where crabs become official 101 after they march over the train tracks near the end of the parade (this attempt also failed)

Now he is talking of coming back this Fall...

my question to you is would he get any love in your band program?

(he's definitely not going to get any over here)

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  • HELL NO!
  • Of course i would he would have to just Krab twice once in the spring and again in the fall. two beat downs for the price of one then he would never come back.
  • any love? no

    can he prove himself again? thats at the discretion of the BD, the DMs and his section leader. Also, why he left plays a major role...
  • Yeah...why did he leave in the first place?

    More importantly...what crab in their right mind would miss the band camp....only to quit, then try to come back TWICE?

    He was jacked up from the VERY beginning. He shouldn't have even got a uniform in the first place.

    However, life is full of second opportunities. Give that man the chance to come in properly, and see where it goes from there.
  • he left after one of the section leaders told him about himself...

    she let him have it

    he will get a second chance, but he will be wearing a white t shirt...

    and it is going to say MEGA CRAB on the front
  • No sense in quitting in the first place. The 101 is a pretty nice band.. High school mentality tells people to quit when they can't handle it
  • first of all at the S he wouldn't come after crab week at all and second aof all the horses (UPPERCLASSMEN) would kill him and third his crab brothers would kill him
  • lol not just hell no..... fuck no!!!!!!

    RJ1919 said:
    HELL NO!
    I wanted to get your opinions on this...here's how it went down:There is this dude that decided to join the 101. He came after camp was over with, bu…
  • This is why you have rules in place.1st pre drill is a must. When you have to teach someone style customs and traditions when you should be focused on music and shows you hold the entire band back. Second you have rules for this type of things. Excused vs unexcused absences. Third there should be a set number of required field performance es charity events parades etc to cross over. If you don't meet the requirements then that's grounds for separation and there's no guarantee you can crab again. Depends on the needs of the band. Fourth smoke the crabs for allowing their brother to drop it helps with retention and prevention lol.
  • Another thing that really gets under my skin i people only marching for one season and they quit, they have no plans of coming back or nothing but feel they know the system of the band and talk more crap than alumni and bandsmen that marched their full years. smh.
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