I always thought that drum majors were higher ranking officials in the band. So the fact that a drum major was hazed to death is shocking!!!! Hazing needs to end! No questions asked. No one can truly justify what happened!

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  • The Drum Majors are merely a section within the band. and just like any other section. it's not as shocking as it is unnecessary 

  • I never ever heard of a damn drum major getting hazed. Don't know how they do it at other schools but at Grambling. HELL NO.

  • yea. I dont think SU drummajor underwent anything for dropping is mase during the Jstate game

  • same here. but when you look at the fact that they are a 10 man group of members who all seem to have been appointed their spots it changes the perspective.of why a sophomore would be hazed
    RJ1919 said:

    I never ever heard of a damn drum major getting hazed. Don't know how they do it at other schools but at Grambling. HELL NO.

    SERIOUS QUESTION: Has it always been normal for a drum major to experience hazing????
    I always thought that drum majors were higher ranking officials in the band. So the fact that a drum major was hazed to death is shocking!!!! Hazing…
  • He was not a sophomore, and although this could have and should have been prevented, he chose to cross another organization within the band...I havent been around there for years, and unfortunately everyone involved (hazers and hazee) has made a bad decision that turned tragic...He was an excellent musician and I was shocked and ashamed at what happened, but my main concern is that his family gets the justice they deserve no matter what it takes...
  • they only marched 6 this year...

    Book said:

    same here. but when you look at the fact that they are a 10 man group of members who all seem to have been appointed their spots it changes the perspective.of why a sophomore would be hazed
    RJ1919 said:

    I never ever heard of a damn drum major getting hazed. Don't know how they do it at other schools but at Grambling. HELL NO.

    SERIOUS QUESTION: Has it always been normal for a drum major to experience hazing????
    I always thought that drum majors were higher ranking officials in the band. So the fact that a drum major was hazed to death is shocking!!!! Hazing…
  • When I marched in the Hundred the DM from the newest to the Head was a respected position. Top of the food chain and you didn't mess with them. I don't know what has changed over the years. If the Hundred ever comes back into existence after this I hope they go back to respect the DMs.

  • Merely? That's in bands YOU'VE been affiliated w/ book. I marched at st. aug frm 83-87, and the drum majors were NEVER a mere section. The were hand picked by Mr. Hampton, and were an extension of the staff. Better yet, I'll give you the hierarchy: Mr Hamp, assts, DRUM MAJORS, captains (if chosen/needed), sl's, and seniors. You didn't mess w/ dm's b/c disrepecting dm's was disrepecting the bd, and nobody wanted to experience his darkside.

    Book said:

    The Majors are merely a section within the band. and just like any other section. it's not as shocking as it is unnecessary 

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