S.F. Austin High School -Special Recognition

The 29th Congressional District officially nominated the Stephen F. Austin "Sonic Boom" Marching Band from Houston, TX to participate in the 2011 National Independence Day Parade in Washington, D.C as one of only 3 bands to represent the State of Texas.   Congratulations to those who pioneered this band program and congratulations to the students who worked hard to represent the East End.  


This is a huge thing for Austin and HISD considering 5 years ago, there was no band program at the school. So once again congrats, now we have to raise $90,000 to pay for the trip.

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  • yay us!. &aqain conqrats to the two other bands invited:)
  • Congrats bro! If you every need our help just let us know.
  • Congrats! You guys have fun and represent!
  • WOW!!! congrads Goldy! doing big things!!!
  • Honestly I dont even know where to start. $90,000 is a huge amount to raise. I think we can do it though. We raise about $10000 annually for general band expenses: Drum heads, uniforms cleaned, camps, repairs etc. WIth the new 8th graders coming in, they will have to fall right in and get to work..

    PVU86 said:
    Congratulations! Let me know when and where the are, would be glad to help.
    S.F. Austin High School -Special Recognition
    The 29th Congressional District officially nominated the Stephen F. Austin Sonic Boom Marching Band from Houston, TX to participate in the 2011 Nat…
  • Sonic Boom doing big thangs! Congrads to Goldy and all the kids and faculty at Austin! The whole school should be praised for letting the Director there DO HIS JOB!...LOL! Going to the store to buy some extra scratch offs for ya'll> If I hit I let you know...LOL!
  • You guys know that anything you donate to a school is considered tax deductible. So if you donate a couple of benjamins to the Austin Band, Uncle Sam will give you back most of it.

  • Congrats as usual doc! keep up the good work. now roll them sleeves back and stack that money! lol

    Goldy_1914 said:
    You guys know that anything you donate to a school is considered tax deductible. So if you donate a couple of benjamins to the Austin Band, Uncle Sam will give you back most of it.

    S.F. Austin High School -Special Recognition
    The 29th Congressional District officially nominated the Stephen F. Austin Sonic Boom Marching Band from Houston, TX to participate in the 2011 Nat…
  • Congrats Austin! Do it big!!!
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