SHC 2009 5thquarter Clips

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  • It's official, TnSU got SMASHED!!!!
  • Somebody call Nancy Grace..........because TnSU just got RAPED! LMAO

    I'll be back to make detailed comments! LOL Daaaaaaaaaaaaaayum! (somebody go check on TnSU)
  • Well unbiasedly I was there and will be posting clips in HD...

    It wasn't a raping in a nut shell TSU took stands JSU took field


    Both bands had some good arse songs TSU was small but had some umph...JSU had that big UMPH lol...imo JSUhad new tunes mostly all night in the 5th that was tight....TNSU did too....JSU sounded great at trumpets hanging over...TSU sounded great the 5th went on JSU got louder and to me started to have control issues/overblowing.[Tubas splatting..btones waaaay overblowing I guess to hang with those tbones].cause them to sound bad at times..TSU upperbrass from TSU had some tone issues fhorns and trumpets made some songs sound iffy

    JSU...better field presentation this year still some lil stuff but hopefully to get fixed....better sound during stands to me than trumpets hanging over...tbones and trumpets best sections so far...btones tubas need work

    TSU-waaaaaaaaay better than the AAMU game....better sound and book than last week...sounded great through both 5th and stands but tonal issues....field was dry to me especially singer......btones and tubas best section so far...upper brass needs work

    slight edge to TSU in the 5th because JSU started to lose control with sound....don't get me wrong JSU has some really HIGH points when they don't lose they mind...Oct 3rd gon be real interesting indeed
  • smh let it begin i said my piece............and the 09 season continues on!!
  • lmao @ deschaun trying to save TNSU.
    good attempt but you FAILED..
  • BRUH why i'm gon save them kats just being honest...of what i saw..and it aint kick rocks.. ya feel me...but yall carry on imma post some stands music in a couple of hours...I hate I missed I got 5 on it by JSU and uptown by TSU....

    ChuckTaylor said:
    lmao @ deschaun trying to save TNSU.
    good attempt but you FAILED..
    SHC 2009 5thquarter Clips…
  • so true Damien, you can tell he was typing bullshyt bc he was going back and forth with his opinion.

    Yea they was good, but they wasnt good... but they had some good points but then they had some bad points
    so that means tnsu gets a "slight" edge'

    LMAO, you can tell he mad!
  • ?????????????
    its called pros and cons



    yeah you you got me confused with other posters on here
    ChuckTaylor said:
    so true Damien, you can tell he was typing bullshyt bc he was going back and forth with his opinion.
    Yea they was good, but they wasnt good... but they had some good points but then they had some bad points so that means tnsu gets a "slight" edge'
    LMAO, you can tell he mad!
    SHC 2009 5thquarter Clips…
  • I'm starting to wonder if I should have went to this game, lol.

    I drove back last night, captured the footage on my computer at 3 in the morning. Edited it this morning this morning before I went to church. Figured I'd upload it when I got back.... and when I got back there were 2 sets of videos already on Marchingsport and the Network.

    You all are getting fast, lol.

    Keep up the good work.

    G. Howard

    And to think I called this a preview clip, lol. And the Show's and 5th Quarters are already on the web, lol.

  • lol its already clips from 2 sets of folks Doc lmao
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