to this story, Texas Public schools will face a 23% cut in budgeting thanks to the republicans. This means tragedy for our showbands which already function with hardly anything to work with in the first place. A lot of schools will most likely just cut band out completely which would be a sad case. Others will just condense the directors' schedule probably to teach in school suspension, math or other subjects. (Ive seen it before but not such a threat)All you bandheads really need to be praying right now and sending letters to Austin, TX to keep this proposition from passing. Our Texas showbands are barely staying above water right now and if this passes, we are DONE..... So lets all be proactive and do something about this.

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  • wow just when were fighting to keep willowridge open this happens smh
  • The proposal doesnt only single out showbands, every school district will be taking a hit.  Boards tend to cut across the board so no one school is being unfairly treated... It can seem unfair in a way.

    heres one scenario...

    You have 2 bands in the same district on each side of the tracks. The board does a lateral cut as they always do. To make up for the lack of funds 2 bands have to add fees. School A's BD request a $700/ yr band fee from his 200 members and most can pay, usually a really generous parent will make up for the few who cant. School B's BD request a $700/yr band fee from his 200 members and 90% of the band jumps ship or the band is there but cant do anything.


    School B sees school A can charter busses, go to Disney World... School A has fresh uniforms and all kinds of stuff. So school B thinks school A has their hand in the pot.


    Same goes for all other programs that need supplies. Its always that way. When th gov stops funding someone has to make up for the shorfall. If the people cant close the gap then POOF! The state has a good reason for the cuts...


    And folks shouldve known that was gonna happen when they built Marshall a mile down the road. FBISD has the students/ freeders just about going where they want. Final chapter of the phase is to close the doors at WIllowridge.

    Cory Humphre' said:

    wow just when were fighting to keep willowridge open this happens smh
  • I see where Chris is coming from...our Corps rival's Sealy, take's a trip to Florida every 4 summers. Bellville took a trip to Switzerland last here think we got nothing, it aint that, just half these kids parents dont have jobs or bare minium jobs that pay so little, they can barely live. The state has all this money though for the schools, huge amount of money, but huge amount of schools in texas. But I find it retarded to build 2 new high schools but then close the old one down??? Makes no sense. But when they build too many schools, the smaller amount the schools get. In my research paper from this past fall, i used Money Cuts n Taks scores as a point in my paper to the downfall of Music Education because most school administrators think that Music is not important to the TAKS test or the soon to come STAR End of Course Exams... So unfortantly, schools who still get little money, now getting even little money will close the program they believe is weak or not important...Fine Arts because they find it a distraction from the Academic standpoint in student education!
  • HISD's problem is they need to shut down the scores of BS magnet/vanguard programs that they have, make maybe 4 high schools magnet (besides HSPVA, HP, Law Enforcement and Barbara Jordan) and even out the programs with the rest of the schools. You don't see kids moving around inside their district like they do in HISD, because they have always, ESPECIALLY in black and brown communities, said that the grass was greener on the other side. Make a district wide core curriculum (you know like everyone else does)so if a child actually HAS to transfer they can pick up where they left off at the other school. Stop dumbing things down. STOP RUNNING THESE SCHOOLS BASED OFF RACE! There are some culturally insensitive people in HISD that are only out to make themselves look good at the expense of kids failing. HISD loses kids every year because of that!


    I don't think that alot of this stuff is gonna go through cuz right now the GOP voters are beginning to have Buyers Remorse..a lot of their kids go to public school too...

  • Well yesterday the principal of Lamar (who is the big principal everybody listens to and takes recommedations from) was on the news saying how to handle a Budget Deficit. 

    1. The majority of the extra curricular activities would cease.

    2.  The few activities that remain would not be budget for supplies so whenever events happen off campus, students would be responsible for finding their own way.  So for the few schools who would keep their bands, students would have to catch a ride to the games. 


    The other part of this bill was FINANCIAL AID CUT BY 50% statewide.  A number of colleges would have to close.  All of the Brazosport college campuses would cease their operations.  Then think of TSU, PV, Texas College, Jarvis and others.  Im sure TXSU would close.  Prairie View would be on the edge only because they are part of the Texas A&M system.  I really hope all you guys vote..

  • If it was me I would want an HISD all star band... at least then I could write for 100+ band... but on the other hand TX is a heavy RED state even in Tyler (smith county) in 2008 obama only had 30% of the vote
  • Okay, my question now is...why the sudden budget cut this large??? Why cut education costs on the college level when those students will be running this country in several years.

    I understand the cut on the grade school level....

    and Mr. Runnels, so what your saying..along with the lowfunded HBCUs in the state, junior and community colleges would also close their doors to students??? which would include Blinn College, Wharton County Junior College, HCC, Lonestar etc...

    Goldy_1914 said:

    Well yesterday the principal of Lamar (who is the big principal everybody listens to and takes recommedations from) was on the news saying how to handle a Budget Deficit. 

    1. The majority of the extra curricular activities would cease.

    2.  The few activities that remain would not be budget for supplies so whenever events happen off campus, students would be responsible for finding their own way.  So for the few schools who would keep their bands, students would have to catch a ride to the games. 


    The other part of this bill was FINANCIAL AID CUT BY 50% statewide.  A number of colleges would have to close.  All of the Brazosport college campuses would cease their operations.  Then think of TSU, PV, Texas College, Jarvis and others.  Im sure TXSU would close.  Prairie View would be on the edge only because they are part of the Texas A&M system.  I really hope all you guys vote..

  • Its Republicans & the new face of racism. Republicans are for the rich to hell with poor. The less people get educated, the eadier it is for rich to keep rich.

    when Obama was bailing out the states, 'Good ol' boy' Perry said he didn't want the money. He would put the state back in the black...They didn't want to get all his NEEDED stuff from a black man...and have you ever seen a majority white school fail...well you will now. And at the right time too.

    Now 'Redneck Nation' (Fox and em') and poor white people are gonna have to make a decision....better education or downing the president...Remember that Obama won in ALL of the cities in Texas but not in the rural areas....where this money is needed also

    Goldy_1914 said:

    Its Republicans & the new face of racism. Republicans are for the rich to hell with poor. The less people get educated, the eadier it is for rich to keep rich.
    Showbands in Texas have yet another problem to deal with ... According to this story, Texas Public schools…
  • Also if HISD gets an all-star band IT WILL BE CORPS STYLE...Like Foley's back in the day.

    While Lamar's Principal is saying this mess I bet his school will still have a band...

    And what about the lottery...Wasn't that suppose to be for education? That was their whole selling point back in the day. Where is THAT money going? That line at the corner store be long on the first and fifteenth!

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