The Jack Yates "Marching Motion" Band will be hosting Our first Annual Band Showcase Event "Smack Down 2012" on ThursdayJanuary 12th from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Tickets are $5.00 pre-sale and $10.00 at the door. It is a chance to see the following bands; Yates (of course)WestburySam HoustonBeaumont Ozen So, come on out and get a preview and a great showcase of these fine bands. This is just informational, and comments are welcome or not. Thanks!
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i'll be there! and good luck to all of you guys performing...miss the performing scenes ahhh.... anywho... bring ur A+ game guys and show people what your programs are really made of...
If you part of Project Grad come on out, that event starts at 6:00 pm
Hmmm, maybe I'll move back to my dorm at UH thursday...hmmm should be a different sight to see!
Where can we buy pre-sale tickets?
Pre-sale tickets can be purchased at Westbury, Sam Houston, and at Yates.
Also, tickets for the All American Battle of Bands will be sold at the event on Thursday night for $12.00
can we go to the sam houston band room at any time to buy tickets sir?
Wilmo said:
Yes sir!
stop by anytime for BOTB tickets!
Mystery Man said:
i'll be there! and good luck to all of you guys performing...miss the performing scenes ahhh.... anywho... bring ur A+ game guys and show people what your programs are really made of...
You can come up to the school and ask for either Mr. Williams, Mr. Penson, or myself
Mystery Man said:
I'm real excited about this showcase and the kids are very excited!!! Shouts out to Mr. Williams for organizing it!!!!