
  • What do you need help with
  • As far as posting, if you're still in high school, don't get caught posting in the college forum...
  • Watch your language and watch who you give your # to, if you do don't post it cause bandhead got the most stalkers...send it in a private message

  • The Rundown...


    The site is a social network, so you have a page, groups, photo's videos & blogs like any other network, but the main focus is on the Discussion forums. usually people argue and rant on'em but that wasn't the purpose of it.


    College Forum's for college for college folks

    High School forum is for  High Schoolers

    General Band Discussion is for anybody

    The Dance & Auxiliary forum.... Obvious.

    The Challenge Forum is commonly used for Audio & Video battles... but it wasn't really originally ment for that.

    The Blacktop is an non-band related open discussions foruim..


    thats all really



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