
  • My opinion is this: 35 sound quality has improved over the years but they need to clean up a little more. They also need to work on doing a better but they did a good job overall.

    St Aug was nice in the stands especially on that last song they played at the end, and the fieldshow was nice as usual.

    RESPECT IS THE KEY. When you see that st aug was getting ready to play a song dont try to call of a song the same time that they are trying to as well. Thats disrespectful and ignorant and 35 lost points for that. 35 did that several times during the game

    Question: how come 35 looked so small for the Jamboree but they always look bigger for when they play St Aug?

    Good job on both sides beefing up the security for the game! it's nice going to a game and not worrying about bullets flying over your
  • Honestly i didnt notice 35 callin off songs intentionally while st aug was gettin ready to play. I was sittin rite next to 35 most of the game. IDK bout the size thing.

    But to both bands good job.

    St Aug Band is improving..Great clean sound with great discipline as always.Only negative if I had to give on is bringin some more power while drilling. It was really hard to hear yall over the announcer.

    35 Band is also improving..Good Sound with a nice punch only negatives I had for them was maybe balance issues, a needing to have a more definite and clear sound and discipline but that will come as the band gets more mature.

    St. Aug Fieldshow...Great Execution and very creative drill.
    35 Fieldshow...If u were there u saw it dont really need to talk about it...But again It will get better as the band mature.
  • 35's halftime from that game will not be uploaded ..
    St. Aug Has some issues too, folks trying to stand out when they don't really have too. other than that, the band is straight as a whole.
    35,,,I liked them tubas :D i wish i could have recorded all that..

    Book said:
    35's halftime from that game will not be uploaded ..
    St. Aug Has some issues too, folks trying to stand out when they don't really have too. other than that, the band is straight as a whole.
    35,,,I liked them tubas :D i wish i could have recorded all that..
    St Aug vs 35
    Who Came out on top in the stands and the
  • Go big Purple! a great drill. This is a nice clear video. Could you put a video of the Aug in the stands? Thanks.
  • MCD 35 halftime show was the wrost ppl didnt no where to stand trun or cute off at i mean high hands down the AUG got them but you cant tell that to some 35 ppl they been like that even when i was in high rock n roll espen and hey 35 just need to let it go....
  • Thanks bruh, I really appreciate the comments about my section just trying to do the best that we can and always getting better. 35 Tuba Section Ldr. 2010-2011. c/o 2011

    Book said:
    35's halftime from that game will not be uploaded ..
    St. Aug Has some issues too, folks trying to stand out when they don't really have too. other than that, the band is straight as a whole.
    35,,,I liked them tubas :D i wish i could have recorded all that..
    St Aug vs 35
    Who Came out on top in the stands and the
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