What up fam? Hope all is well.....time is here to ask a question....one we can all address and should really consider. As we prepare to enter into another season, how do you view our craft today? Are we making progress or are we regressing? Speak on it
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Nas lost...
I think were somewhat stagnate musically. Not much progress since the late 80's in my eyes.
But the level of exposure we're getting today compared to that of, lets say the 80's, is definitely on another level. I think we still have a long way to go though. I think when our school's athletics and academics step up, it's going take a lot of shine away from our craft as being the faces of our universities and institutions...which most of us currently are. Let's take NSU for example right now...
The football team are MEAC champs, alongside the basketball team, track and field, cross county, and bowling...
The game vs Missouri alone brought in $300k for our school, not to mention the additional $300k we picked up playing Florida. $600k just for two games and one sport. Granted, the band travels the country and is all over the net...stepping up like the athletics have around our university is presenting a challenge as to who is the priority around campus....a title in the past we didnt hav a problem defending.
So in that light, I think our programs need to prepare themselves to be retroactive in bringing in good publicity that boost endowment rates in a quantifiable ways. :/
Underage Thinker said:
I feel that There are some true instabilities, on part of the schools as well as the students especially when regarding hazing. As far as schools are concerned Money issues & program closings are hurting Especially in Louisiana, There's no real way to fix that until Bobby Jindal is gone. The Hazing Situation Makes it worse because at this point nobody actually wants to support universities that have hazing issues. There are also Alumni who don't give back whether it be financially or just helping out when they can.
For the past 5 years We have Band Directors Die (or Deal with tragedy), some Forced out of positions or being In Temporary positions. The only thing keeping these bands alive is What We call "Tradition" ... Tradition isn't always the Savior of our programs simply because Behind the scenes There's alot working AGAINST our band programs.
Year aftter year We sit here Nitpicking and Band bashing and yet when there are serious issues nobody really wants to dicuss facts or actually DO THINGS to make things happen... The reason we see so many BOTB's on HBCU campuses now days is because The Bands are technically finding ways to support themselves.and BOTB's are the Easiest way. the only PROBLEM is that at the end of the day More folks have to get paid for their part in making the event work. Shortchanging band prohrams which truthfully doesn't make a big diffence anyway if bands are only getting 1 grand or 2 grand to perform Vs a band getting 5,10, 20 grand to play or even show their caces..
Overall. Our bands need to be higjhlighted for the GREAT things rather than all the band things that happen.. How many times has the Local news showed up to a Band Camp to show what's REALLY going on ya know? ... We all really have to support ourselves.. that's what sites like THIS is SUPPOSED to be for honestly.
well put man
Book said:
Only one thing needs to be done to CHANGE for the better. Stop the hazing...