
  • somebody is itching for some attention LMAO
  • just compare the clips

    ChuckTaylor said:
    somebody is itching for some attention LMAO
    SU CRABS 2009
    su crabs of 09 su crabs of 08 is it just me or is the crabs o…
  • u cant judge the crab sections cuz dey not only ones playin.
  • lmao....cmon now with these threads
  • Book send help please!!!!
  • Someone is really tryin to reach. Just so you aint workin
  • More SU topics lol
  • what r YOU talkn bout??? Anthony dey talkn bout the dancers

    MCM Trumpet Anthony said:
    u cant judge the crab sections cuz dey not only ones playin.
    SU CRABS 2009
    su crabs of 09 su crabs of 08 is it just me or is the crabs o…
  • It's really silly to assume the crabs are the only deciding factor of a bands sounds. Do you even know what % of the band is crabs this year versus last year? How is that % divide amongst each section? Also, I personally feel if a sophomore class is big they'll play a big roll in the band. They typically tend to be the biggest upperclassmen class. And they should've adpated to the style after being in the band for a year. Two example would be the class of 97 was small in 98 so they didn't have the biggest effect that year. The class of 98 was big in 99. The seniors of 95 kind of engrave an aggressive style in the class of 98. That had a big effect on while 99 had such an aggressive sound. So there are so many factors that play a part. In my four years my crab class of B-Tones was the most talented class since I was there but we didn't have the best B-Tone section in my four years.
  • I do have to agree with the statement about the temperature, because it was super cold and windy at that game. I do not understand the point of the thread. If he had said that 2009 was louder or better than 2008, then it would have made more sense, but the temperature effect would still have to be considered.

    bandmember said:
    Maybe the appropriate title for this discussion is SU 09 I decided vs SU 08 I decided . U act as if the crabs are the only ones playing.

    The only band that can come close to SU's "I decided" is another edition of a SU band

    Comparing the two clips is like comparing apples and oranges because of the weather.

    It was below 30 degrees outside on the 2008 clip

    It was above 80 degrees outside on the 2009 clip

    That's simple physics. Sound travels faster and is sharper in warm air. Sound travels slow and tends to be flat in cold air.

    Both clips are kickin major ssa!!!
    SU CRABS 2009
    su crabs of 09 su crabs of 08 is it just me or is the crabs o…
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