su trumpets

watching the bayou


su yall trumpets are so sloppy and "HANGIN OVER" to a point that is very unchariacteristic of that section. I dont wanna here none of yall say SH*t bout the BOOMs TRUMPFUNK the way yall hangin over and sloppin durin this bayou game 

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  • You So right!!
  • dude somebody please close this tread...we do hangover...we always have but we have the horses to do so,,,j-stank has that one dude that hangs over for 4 counts every year we never up and down we smash every year,,,no rebuilding jus reloading bruh,,,and down!!! nothin else to say,,,,,S
  • lol its always an excuse!!

    AphiAPharmacist said:
    lol its always an excuse!!
    su trumpets
    watching the bayou   su yall trumpets are so sloppy and HANGIN OVER to a point that is very unchariacteristic of that section. I dont wanna here no…
  • su trumpets have never hung over until recently...dem niggas tryna change dey style up bro..!! and dey sound like shit ,,thin den a bitch...dtell dem boyz to get on sum cups..!!

  • we hung over bruh,,i'm from the 80's...can't tell me that
    2-Smooth TF 09 said:
    su trumpets have never hung over until recently...dem niggas tryna change dey style up bro..!! and dey sound like shit ,,thin den a bitch...dtell dem boyz to get on sum cups..!!
    su trumpets
    watching the bayou   su yall trumpets are so sloppy and HANGIN OVER to a point that is very unchariacteristic of that section. I dont wanna here no…
  • mothin wrong with it if you are playing the right nopte and it's not for 4 counts like jackson's all entertainment and for effect...LET'S BE REAL!!!
  • yeaa dats y we do it fa effect...u frm da "old" go listen to sum old su clips...i guarantee u wnt hear nobody hangin over...and if u do it damn sho aint gone be as much as dey do it nah..just face bro...dese jokers tryna get like TrumpFunk but dey goin about it da wrong way..

    mothin wrong with it if you are playing the right nopte and it's not for 4 counts like jackson's all entertainment and for effect...LET'S BE REAL!!!
    su trumpets
    watching the bayou   su yall trumpets are so sloppy and HANGIN OVER to a point that is very unchariacteristic of that section. I dont wanna here no…

  • why the hell do i have to go back and look at film fool...i was there!!! WOW!!!...trump funk!!!? nig yall will never be like s phi d 2-Smooth TF 09 said:
    yeaa dats y we do it fa effect...u frm da "old" go listen to sum old su clips...i guarantee u wnt hear nobody hangin over...and if u do it damn sho aint gone be as much as dey do it nah..just face bro...dese jokers tryna get like TrumpFunk but dey goin about it da wrong way..

    mothin wrong with it if you are playing the right nopte and it's not for 4 counts like jackson's all entertainment and for effect...LET'S BE REAL!!!
    su trumpets
    watching the bayou   su yall trumpets are so sloppy and HANGIN OVER to a point that is very unchariacteristic of that section. I dont wanna here no…
  • we dont wanna be bro..!! me...


    why the hell do i have to go back and look at film fool...i was there!!! WOW!!!...trump funk!!!? nig yall will never be like s phi d 2-Smooth TF 09 said:
    yeaa dats y we do it fa effect...u frm da "old" go listen to sum old su clips...i guarantee u wnt hear nobody hangin over...and if u do it damn sho aint gone be as much as dey do it nah..just face bro...dese jokers tryna get like TrumpFunk but dey goin about it da wrong way..

    mothin wrong with it if you are playing the right nopte and it's not for 4 counts like jackson's all entertainment and for effect...LET'S BE REAL!!!
    su trumpets
    watching the bayou   su yall trumpets are so sloppy and HANGIN OVER to a point that is very unchariacteristic of that section. I dont wanna here no…
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