Usually the transition from sax to fhorn is relatively easy because they both have the same purpose and similar sound in band. All I can tell you is use long tones to get your pitches and learn your notes. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE
Its all about practice. I actually am in the process of doing the same thing except i was coming from trumpet. The main thing to work on is developing your tone. Good luck
Well since ur makin the transition from woodwind to brass u should start over, U should really work on buzzing without the mouthpiece (yea without mouthpiece) after you've develop a strong solid buzz then start buzzing with the mouth piece. (Dont try to play the horn yet). But while ur doing all of this ur should be familiarizing urself with fingering charts and techniques u can find in method books for playing the horn. One thing ur goin to have to get used to the key of the french horn with is F a whole step up from ur previous instrument which is the alto sax which is in Eb. The french horn (double horn) is a very difficult instrument to play mainly because of the different intervals u can play on it. Its a very dynamic instrument and u can play as low as a lower brass or as high as a trumpet. My advice to u is to do sum ear training starting on Concert F (the F-Horn's C)[the alto's D] and going up chromatically also work on long tones and really familiarize urself with the different pitch and intervals. O and i forgot sumthing when ur practicing buzzing also practice tonguing because its goin to be slightly different from that of an woodwind instrument. I suggest u go and get a beginners method book on the French horn. I recommend the Essentials Elements 2000 by Hal Leonard Corp. for French Horn. Its a black and gold book it may have a red trim and it will have a picture of a gold french horn on it.ummm i think thats it if i missed something ill come back and tell u. But if ur really serious about playin the french horn and playin it well at that u will do what it takes. Like I said b4 its gnna be like starting all over. but i wish u good luck. If u have n e more ?s feel free to ask me.
well someone from my school did that except hes been playin sax since he was in 3rd grade hes a junior now
just develop a buzz
and from there do lip slips
and low long tones
just develop a buzz
and from there do lip slips
and low long tones