Tenors Tenors and tenors

Okay i play tenor and i ve been on tenor 4 three year and bass one and Ive had a question for da longest. Y do people like leg tenor or rephase whats dat point of leg tenor. Ive been on chest tenor since 4ever and never wanted to change dat but i c people think dey go hard just bein on leg tenor k dat wack i think if you play leg tenor u just mad cuz wasnt gud enuff 4 snare REal TalK Recently i had the chance to battle this dude on leg tenor vs my chest tenor OH I GAVE IT TO HIM but all leg tenors solos look like watered down snare tap off hahahah dats funny 2 me but true someone has any thing to back up leg tenors holla @ ME

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  • Well in my opinion i believe chest tenors are better but even da tenors at my school are leg tenors. My drum instructor prefers leg tenors because they can do more more sticking and put more power into the drum. He says if you have chest tenors then you might as well be training more bass drummers but still I feel chest tenors are more effective in punches or anything really.
  • Chest tenors da best as you can see I'm wearin in my picture to the left...LOL....but yeah to me leg tenors don't produce the sound that TO ME a tenor should have also the feel of it is awquard..I've tried one on b4..but that's just my opinion...and I've used chest tenors my whole life so yeah...basically leg tenor are LAME....
  • The only advantage to chest tenors is that they give a louder sound. Leg Tenors are my preference because of the quickness. Its like a snare drum with springs. A real percussionist can easily dust 4 chest tenors with one leg tenor. Also I like ti because nobody in the state of Texas used them BUT my drum section begged me for 4 years to let them look like everybody else
  • i'd rather hav chest tenors. u get more sound 4rm a chest tenor than u don a leg tenor.
  • chest tenors all day...
  • Redundancy..... THis has been talked about time and time again.
    THe point of having leg tenors depends on the look, the sound, or the college that directors push their students towards.
    I am the percussion instructor over a section that uses both.

    Neither drum styles is pointless in its preference. It just depends on who's college you plan on attending. I encourage all tenor drummers to be fluent in both styles.
  • cause you cant pluck wit swag on a leg tenor
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