**The Official Jskate excuse thread**

after this Saturday (10-16-10), please post the excuses that will be running rampant in the band community for decades to come

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  • "We only floated the JSU for 13 counts this game...so yes, the halftime show was different"

    "Southern only played one march, and if they did then we woulda saw who the better band was"
  • "The camera man was standing closer to Southern, so of course they gon sound louder"
  • "Our fhorns dont play to be heard"
    • We don't play to shine over the band only to support our parts azz.. Everybody plays to be heard..

      CmPO said:
      "Our fhorns dont play to be heard"
  • haha I can already see what those delusional dummies will post next week, the typical boom run down will be as follows

    zero quarter = SU i'll give it to ya'll because ya'll brought intensity
    1st and 2nd quarter = SU was entertaining but SU got that as well
    halftime = jsu I give it to the boom because the energy and dance routine were on point and SU is kown for marching anyway
    5th = the boom, we played a song with 3 key changes so that means we won and we kicked ya'll out early so that I could come on here and say we took the 5th lol

    overall it was a good battle lol

  • "the only reason they really got us is because we "crunked" on em at the botb"
  • lmao

    CmPO said:
    "Our fhorns dont play to be heard"
    **The Official Jskate excuse thread**
    after this Saturday (10-16-10), please post the excuses that will be running rampant in the band community for decades to come
  • "that wasn't an alumnist directing a fanfare, that was jgrows...oh wait"
  • "if this game was in mumford it would be a different story"
  • "our drum majors hump guard rails"
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