boomsop all I'm gone say is that make sure to tell ya boom not to do "too much" on some songs i.e. if the boom plays maab version of the matrimony. I like me some boom and wt. But I will always say sometimes less is better. But truth be told the only weeks any band can take off is vs. MVSU and TXSU every other swac band is decent to very good! But respect for 339
boomsop said:
What's wrong Mike? Lol
The Boom is 339 members strong this year. This mean....................YA'LL IN TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!
Ya'll get ya weight up!!!!!!!!!! It's going to be scary for ya'll other SWAC Bands seeing that 339 marching in with them plumes swinging form side to side blowing .......GET READY.......which really mean GET READY!!!!!!!
You heard me 339 Members!!!!!!!!!! IN BIG TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Michael Dedrick said:
boomsop all I'm gone say is that make sure to tell ya boom not to do "too much" on some songs i.e. if the boom plays maab version of the matrimony. I like me some boom and wt. But I will always say sometimes less is better. But truth be told the only weeks any band can take off is vs. MVSU and TXSU every other swac band is decent to very good! But respect for 339
boomsop said:
Ya'll get ya weight up!!!!!!!!!! It's going to be scary for ya'll other SWAC Bands seeing that 339 marching in with them plumes swinging form side to side blowing .......GET READY.......which really mean GET READY!!!!!!!
True man. I seen a couple of videos and txsu gone have to come with major fire. But there will be many of great battles this year regardless of size
Michael Dedrick said: