I saw that topic and I feel I need to set some things right.
"Checking in" to the college forum has been going on for years. In fact, I made the topic back in 2009. The main reason behind it was that users from this site and the old MSport days complained about anonymous people creating accounts and perpetrating their school. Any of the old Msport members can tell you about the reveals we use to do to users on that site.
To stop that and whats considered "trolling," when bandhead came around and the summer started, it was agreed not only by the staff, but the members of the college forum to create that rule.
I even said this on the actual topic, "Basically, this is a "rep you school" topic....but no need to get personal (like adding a name....heyal, some of yall i don't wanna know yall real name)"
And was taken even further when this was added when you agreed to the TOS and created your profile. ""
So as you can see, we've had to deal with perps and anonymous people for too long.
And just FYI: I refuse to let this forum turn into the dancer's forum where you have multiple people cuss each other out and alot of name calling to the point where its not even about the dancers anymore.
Then there are things that you may need to do differently, such as CHANGE the name of the site to BANDMEMBERS.org, or something that would JUSTIFY why band "heads", also known as BAND FANS, can not post on this public site.
Yall really need to look into this.
if yall just want people to CHECK IN and tell where they marched from, THATS FINE>
But when you talk about placing a BAN on people for not being apart of a specific organization, when the TITLE itself signifies that ANYONE who loves bands can post on here, then you area really traveling a fine line.
Being close to the law field, I KNOW there are several things that you can do to justify the site placing a BAN on those who didnt march for a college band, and I would suggest you look those things up and implement them before you take actions to BAND someone. You will have to change somethings about WHO this sites is supposed to serve. Cause the way its headed now, for someone WILLING to take the action, this would be EASY MONEY in someones pockets.
Im only trying to offer and advice and let yall know that this is a VERY THIN LINE, and some things will have to be tweaked in order to justify a ban on band HEADS.
Ummm, the name still holds true.
Take a look at Sarge, every other site has banned him from their site at one time or another. He has never been banned from this site at all bcuz I know he did go to JSU, but went to the military later on. He tried that "freedom of speech" thing with other sites and didn't get anywhere with it.
If voicing your opinion is that much of an issue, you can also go to "The Band's All Here" forum and post there where there are no kind of rules in place. This forum, The College Forum, was made for people who have attended college at one point in their life. There are people who has never marched with any college band that still checked in and post regularly here. So what makes you special?
And to sue Bandhead will get you no where. This site cost more than it gains and nobody (not even the creator of the site) gets a check from here. The only people you would hurt are the dancer fans (this is pretty much their haven) and anyone else who follows simple rules.
You made NO sense?
First of all, Sarge was band from breaking rules that pertained to his CONDUCT, that was seen as threatening by some, and then being borderline COCKY about, NOT because he didnt attend college.
But from what I understand, the original word that I read was that the site was going to place a BAN on those they didnt march for a college band, NOT just a restriction on certain forums. Not sure if you tried to quickly REWORD that for possible CYA (cover yo ass) purposes, but unfortunately, I saved that information that spoke about a BAN of the site to those who didnt march for a college band.
And as you said, "the COLLEGE forum was made for people who have attended college at one point in their life", and with that said, I went to Southern University and A&M College, class of Spring 2012. So whats the problem?
But even with that said, are you really gonna say that the only people who can post on a PUBLIC forum are COLLEGE GRADUATES????
Just wait........read what i just wrote....and let it sink in for a second. Cause you are only making the hole deeper for yourself.
Your basically telling people, "if you didnt graduate college, you CANNOT be here"?????????? Boi you betta chill out before this stuff gets very very real.
And in case you want to have special rules in place, then you need to create a forum, or WEBSITE, that is ONLY ACCESSIBLE to those who meet the requirements you want them to. But you cant have an OPEN, PUBLIC forum thats ACCESSIBLE to EVERYONE, but then say only and CERTAIN GROUP of people can post in it.
DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT IS DISCRIMINATION IN ITS RAWEST FORM?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
who the fuck is this guy and what is he talking about?
jason said:
jason, please re-read. Sarge was just an example of him not marching in the Sonic Boom of the South but still have posting privileges here.
"This forum, The College Forum, was made for people who have [i]attended college[/i] at one point in their life."
I never said graduated bcuz I know not everyone finish college. If you attended SU and graduated, why is it so hard for you to just go make a simple post in a specific topic. The only people this would hurt negatively are high schoolers.
and unfortunately, ning.com won't allow us to make private forums, so we have to resort to creating these special rules. Also there are no "posting restrictions" to put on users, its either follow the rules or be banned.
There is no way around that.
Again, read what was posted. Never said anything about this forum being for college grads or for people who marched in a college band only.
"Basically, this is a "rep you school" topic....but no need to get personal (like adding a name....heyal, some of yall i don't wanna know yall real name)
and for those that marched in a band, go head and rep that.....in a fraternity/sorority.....rep that as well...."
That last statement defines that you can still post here without being in a college band and there was never any mention on being a "college grad only" bcuz if thats the case, half the site and a couple mods wouldn't be able to post here.
Well thats not what I was told in another thread, OR the message I got in my inbox. Im not sure if this is just CLASSIC MISCOMMUNICATION, but im sure im not ALONE when I say that many others think that IF YOU DONT MARCH FOR A BAND RIGHT NOW, OR HAVE MARCHED FOR A BAND IN THE PAST, THAT YOU WILL BE BANNED,
But if thats not whats truly going on, then that needs to be cleared up.
But as I still say, when you make comments like >>>>>>> "This forum, The College Forum, was made for people who have attended college at one point in their life."...that is INDICATIVE of discrimination. and I really hope you understand that before you proceed with any type of BANNING action
This discussion has been closed. Jason if you want to discuss the rules and policies of this site contact me at www@marchingsport.com
Gerard Howard, Founder/CEO