We got this situation...its somethin called the SWAC Rules...BUT, to make a long rant short, nobody is REALLY doin anything about it...How many programs are willing to withdraw from the SWAC football season as a protest to the SWAC Rules? -NONEcuz everybody wanna march too bad...some directors scared of reprecussions *sp, cuz you dont wanna miss your senior year.But tell me- IS THIS ANY WAY TO LIVE??? IS THIS WHY YOU MARCH??? TO SIT ON YOUR ARSES AND STARE AT EACH OTHER ALL GAME??? HELL THE ONLY PEOPLE DOIN SOMETHING ARE STANDIN IN YOUR DAYUM CYMBALS SECTION!!! Directors and students alike FROM ALL 10 SWAC SCHOOLS- PLEASE, DONT LET THIS BECOME THE NORM!!!

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  • ...who's gonna step up and say somethin?
  • ... If the FOOTBALL players want it.. it would Change The Rules
  • This is from my note on Facebook (for those that havent read it):

    "i intend on making this into a letter. these are the 5 questions centered around the controversy of the new SWAC ordinances AGAINST band music during the game.

    1. Is there any available POSITIVE feedback from the 2008 SWAC football season that came as a result of the limited band play?

    2. if there is positive feedback, how does it rank against the negative feedback that you have recieved?

    3. How many SWAC coaches have reported a better performance from their team as a result of the band prevention rules?

    4. Were the opinions or statements of SWAC band directors considered during the passing of this rule?

    5. Is this rule making the SWAC football experience better? increasing annual revenue?

    i'm going to actually write a letter to the SWAC. and, if necessary, i plan on following up on taking action to oppose and hopefully eradicate this rule. i'm just one person, but i represent the interests of thousands of people who find this just as important as i do."
  • people complaining..but if we was D1-A yall arses wouldnt be able to play period...ADAPT!!
  • I think all of you need to stop being such fugg'n babies...and, go to the game and do your job. Which is to support the team with your fight song and alma mater...and, with the occasional T.O/stoppage-of-play songs. Whoever it may concern...YOU ALL need to cease with the protest talk. Cuz, you ain't doing nothing but talking isht.

    Im about as big a bandhead as I am a sports fan. And, even "I" don't wanna hear bands playing while the ball is in motion.

    You're there for a football game.
  • man hold that noise cuz you werent sayin NONE of that when you were marching BEFORE 2008...you bein a hypocrite
  • and you tellin the wrong somebody that he aint gonna do anything...

    the only thing thats keepin me out is a lack of COLLECTIVE support from other programs in the SWAC

    DT Classic said:
    I think all of you need to stop being such fugg'n babies...and, go to the game and do your job. Which is to support the team with your fight song and alma mater...and, with the occasional T.O/stoppage-of-play songs. Whoever it may concern...YOU ALL need to cease with the protest talk. Cuz, you ain't doing nothing but talking isht.

    Im about as big a bandhead as I am a sports fan. And, even "I" don't wanna hear bands playing while the ball is in motion.

    You're there for a football game.
    *This Is How I Know that Nobody On Here Gives a F*ck about Bands*
    We got this situation...its somethin called the SWAC Rules... BUT, to make a long rant short, nobody is REALLY doin anything about it... How many p…
  • D1 schools play the whole game. Not a great point.

    Deschaun said:
    people complaining..but if we was D1-A yall arses wouldnt be able to play period...ADAPT!!
    *This Is How I Know that Nobody On Here Gives a F*ck about Bands*
    We got this situation...its somethin called the SWAC Rules... BUT, to make a long rant short, nobody is REALLY doin anything about it... How many p…
  • like i said ..lol if the Football teams want it..
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