
  • Dallas is one of the best band cities
  • but da box is full of d town people

    screammachine_08 said:
    This thing about dallas being sorry
    lmao i hear dallas stay geetin tawked bout 1st off im 4rm dallas so fuq u haters and i bet that most famous d lines r ran by dallas the box 4 example…
  • They've been transformed lol
  • "stay geeting tawked bout"
  • word to future posters:
    if ur the first to reply to your own probably wasn't really worth starting......
  • Dallas is not sorry, but we do have our share slackers and non musicians, just like any other city. What I mean by that is, not all students reap the full benefits of their band program by being a TOTAL MUSICIAN, Not all, but most students are only concerned with the marching band aspect (blowin', screamin, woofin', callouts, cadences, etc) But, when it comes to actually playing (scales, rudiments, reading music, concert, jazz, all-city/region/state, solo & ens, etc), most cheat themselves out of being above average musician. On the flip side, Dallas has produced some very outstanding musicians. Ones that take pride in their individual musical development, attend universities and represent Dallas very well. I personally know, because I'm a product of Dallas, and only the strong & discplined musicians survive!!!.
  • Thank you CMajor

    Now get them bands together for the summer and come SMASH! LA and Houston.
  • How bout them liines from DC, VA and NC?

    Chris - Pinnacle of Hummanity... said:
    Thank you CMajor

    Now get them bands together for the summer and come SMASH! LA and Houston.
    This thing about dallas being sorry
    lmao i hear dallas stay geetin tawked bout 1st off im 4rm dallas so fuq u haters and i bet that most famous d lines r ran by dallas the box 4 example…
  • Dallas needs some young band directors with a musical concept to make dallas better. It is not that Dallas is sorry, their just not anyone trying to take there band to the next level.
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