Tips for first year section leaders.

Im pretty sure somewhere in the band world there is someone who will be section leader for the first time.  For those that have been a section leader before know that during the months before camp start we ponder about things such as how should I approach my section? Should I be mean? Will they respect me? and so on. Everybody has there own ways of how they ran there section. Whats yours??

Give tips to the soon to be leaders in the collegiate band world.

My advice is to be yourself, NOBODY likes fakeness. If you are real and uprfront your section will respect you more. Once you get your section to respect you and listen to you then the season will be cake. and last but not least, Dont let other people in the section make your decisions because 9 times out of 10 its somebody that wants to be in your position so they will try to find any and everything wrong that you do and point it out as if people dont make mistakes.. #thatisall

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  • Dont be "mean" but expect greatness from your section.... Push your section, and don't take any flack from anybody.


    Be sure to be able to hold your own, while expecting everyone in your section to do the same. One person can't make the section. Don't be a dictator, be a leader.....Respect while demanding respect.....another thing, don't start out being a SOFT section leader, then halfway through the season, try and get WILL NOT work.


    All these little sayings add up and start making sense when things start up.

  • Thats real...and thats were alot of people mess up at. You HAVE to be yourself
  • Don't ask anything of your section that you can't/won't do yourself.
  • Whatever move you make as a section leader...make sure it's for the betterment of your section, as a whole, as it relates to the band, as a whole.  Don't make moves and do things for just the betterment of "just your section".  And, or do things just for the betterment of "just your squad" or "just you and the other cat that are blow'n, cuz er'body else ain't isht". 


    To be a leader, you have to take the steps of a leader. 

  • Push for true perfectIon not your own personal opinion of perfection. Don't work hard for praise and accolades cause it ain't bout you. Most important never get comfortable with where yo section is cause it can always be better
  • and NEVER settle. Just cause you outplayed one band, doesn't mean the next one is any easier.....ALWAYS look to outdue your last performance...
  • I like that.....  A true section leader has love for his/her section and will find a creative way to motivate them.  From the band directors' point of view I always choose a leader who will lead by example and will be him/herself at all times.  Too many people try to be something they arent and thats when the section falls apart.  A true leader will assert himself and in the case of giving exercises, he/she will drop the section and drop along with them. 


    SHOUT OUT TO ANDRE BEATTY: TNT section leader 96-98.  He always lead by example and eve today I show what he taught us.


    BamaStateTrumpet09 said:



    A section leader should CARE about the section before anything else. Form a bond, once you have this the section becomes ONE and is United. Talk to the section get to know them and learn your strengths and weaknesses. Then comes the hard part being assertive. Though you have built this bond you still have to have authority, make sure your section understands the diff. between work & play. When they choose not to follow direction then comes "Motivation" A.K.A. exercise. With these tactics and others your section will be on top of their game!

  • Very good advice so far..... all I have to say is that if you are to be a leader, treat that position as a professional. Treat your section members as if they are intelligent human beings (whether they are intelligent or not). If you expect much from them then they will be more willing to attempt to meet those expectations. Anything and everything you will require from each person must be clearly defined and understood by everyone in your section. Make sure that each person understands that everything you tell them to do is for their betterment. You cannot stress enough the fact that practice time is not play time. And before you have to go off on somebody let everyone know that it will never be for a personal reason, it's just about business. Of course the old cliche "Lead by example" comes to mind as well. Never expect anyone to follow you if your ability to do what you have asked of them is sub-par. As a leader you must continually show more discipline and determination than everyone else. That way they have something to look up to.
  • Be fair and impartial.  

    Don't show favoritism among your ranks.  

    Being a section leader ain't about making friends (leave that friendship crap outside of rehearsal).

    Don't be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them.  Nobody likes a wannabe knowitall (who really DOESN'T know it all)

    Just because you are the section leader, that doesn't make you above the section.  Matter of fact, you are held to an even higher level of accountability.  

    Remember, respect is not's earned.  Don't go around pushing your title on people and expect people to respect you just because you are a section leader.

    Lead by example.  Your section is gonna hold you under a microscope and try and get away with whatever you let them get away with.  Don't take no BS...don't give none either.

  • Preciate yall for commenting...cause i know its somebody out there that needed this
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